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Improving Employability: Enhancement of Core Skills and Professionalism within the Pharmacy MPharm Degree Results and Perspective of a TQEF Project in.

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Presentation on theme: "Improving Employability: Enhancement of Core Skills and Professionalism within the Pharmacy MPharm Degree Results and Perspective of a TQEF Project in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving Employability: Enhancement of Core Skills and Professionalism within the Pharmacy MPharm Degree Results and Perspective of a TQEF Project in the School of Pharmacy Chris Scott, Senior Tutor

2 Undergraduate Program in School of Pharmacy Single UG course – MPharm degree 4 year program 1 year pre-registration (organised by Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland) – Approx 140-150 students per year group – Staff-student contact is substantial Practicals, practical demonstrations (dispensing, responding to symptoms), tutorials


4 Challenges Faced Large body of students to look after Although academically excellent, many students may have employability issues Development of key skills and professionalism upon exit of university system?

5 Personal Development Planning Personal Tutors Advisor of Studies Work Placements Skills Development Module Tools/systems in place already within the School of Pharmacy

6 Personal Development Planning Personal Tutors Advisor of Studies Work Placements Skills Development Module Improve Employability of Pharmacy graduates

7 Goals of TQEF Project Pilot scheme within the school to develop a central monitoring system to ensure professionalism and core skill development Integration of existing resources to deliver this

8 Student Opinions – Focus Groups Organised by Sharon Haughey, School of Pharmacy Asked students about their perceptions of the degree, skills development, work placements and PDP

9 Focus Group Results Students thought that the degree program was intense Students felt that the skills training in L1 was useful to bring all students up to speed Students confused by PDP Students unclear of the role of tutors

10 Staff Views Busy schedule – No more please! Varying opinions on the tutoring system and PDP – their usefulness and role of staff member

11 Kick-starting the TQEF Project Overhaul of the application of tutoring and PDP application in the school The fact that the TQEF was awarded to us, highlighted what we were doing and its announcement at school board etc., helped gain staff support going forward

12 MPharm Degree Progression Continual monitoring of key practicals/tutorials/work placement data across degree for each skill Identification of ‘at risk’ students in each skill Student-led development of identified skills

13 Initial Achievements Set up of structures and reporting system to highlight ‘at risk’ students to myself – I arrange tutor meeting with student and provide guidance to tutor on setting/doing/reflecting goals for the student to undertake – TQEF support gave me time to undertake this Design and implementation of professionalism questionnaire for placement facilitators in L1 – TQEF support needed to mail information and materials to facilitators across pharmacy shops in NI


15 Initial Achievements Set up of structures and reporting system to highlight ‘at risk’ students to myself – I arrange tutor meeting with student and provide guidance to tutor on setting/doing/reflecting goals for the student to undertake – TQEF support gave me time to undertake this Design and implementation of professionalism questionnaire for placement facilitators in L1 – TQEF support needed to mail information and materials to facilitators across pharmacy shops in NI Design and introduction of a new L1 ‘Introduction to Pharmacy Skills’ Module – Further emphasis on career skills Introduction of CV workshop Introduction of pharmacy work experience earlier Introduction of career professionalism – requirements, do’s and don’ts Introduction of a revamped PDP workshop to L1 pharmacy students Introduction of learning diaries for work placements – reflection on what have learnt on the career

16 But then….. Roll-out of the University Personal Tutoring Guidelines We felt that a lot of the our TQEF project was line with what the university wanted from personal tutoring service Perhaps ‘watered-down’ the impact of the TQEF project – But allowed almost seamless integration of new university requirements

17 Personal Tutoring At Pharmacy Senior Tutor – Was designated as an individual post within the school; with myself in post Led team within Education committee to produce working guidelines within School on the basis of university blueprint Central to this was the integration of the aims of the TQEF project

18 Current Setup – holistic training Student Entry Graduate exit with MPharm qualification Academic Attainment Module coordinators and course delivery teams Advisor of Studies Senior Tutor Personal Tutoring System Professionalism and Skills monitoring Pharmacy Practise Tutors

19 Dealing with ‘at risk’ students Senior Tutor Skill Deficiency Failed Module Professionalism deficiency General Discipline Personal Tutor

20 Implementation of TQEF Goals and Personal Tutoring is an on-going project!! Want to roll out to L2 – Particularly professionalism questionnaire to clinical and community work placements – This involves consultation with practitioners Current Hurdles – Current re-structuring of MPharm degree

21 What have been the main benefits of TQEF funding? Gave me time and clerical assistance to organise the systems Provided assistance to attend a national PDP conference Gave the project emphasis within the school

22 Thank you! Any Questions?

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