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Internet and Communication Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Internet and Communication Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet and Communication Technology.
ICT تشير إلي؟ Internet and Communication Technology. Internet and Information Technology. Information and Communication Technology. Information and Computer Technology. ICT referred to?

2 Internet & Communication Technology.
Internet & Information Technology. Information & Communication Technology. Information & Computer Technology. أي من الآتي مصطلح للأنظمة التي تستخدم تخزين, استرجاع, عمل ونقل البيانات؟ Which one of the following is a term for systems used to store, retrieve, process and transmit data?

3 A desktop computer. A tablet PC. A server. A laptop.
أي من أنواع الحاسوب الاّتية يفضل إستخدامه من قبل البائع المتجول؟ A desktop computer. A tablet PC. A server. A laptop. Which one of the following types of computer is most likely to be used by a travelling salesman?

4 PC Laptop Mainframe PDA أي من الآتي هو جهاز يمسك في اليد؟
Which one of the following is a hand handle device?

5 Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) Mainframe Laptop
أي نوع من الكمبيوتر يستخدم لإدارة الانظمة وقواعد البيانات الضخمة؟ Desktop computer Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) Mainframe Laptop Which type of computer is used to operate large corporate systems and databases?

6 Touchpad Keyboard Touchscreen Monitor
أي من الآتي هو وحدة إدخال وإخراج معاً؟ Touchpad Keyboard Touchscreen Monitor Which one of the following is input output/device?

7 A spreadsheet application. A mouse. The World Wide Web.
أي من الأمثلة التالية هو مكون مادي؟ An antivirus program. A spreadsheet application. A mouse. The World Wide Web. Which one of the following is an example of hardware?

8 CPU Keyboard Mouse Hard disk أي من الآتي يعتبر مكون رئيسي للكمبيوتر؟
Which one of the following is considered a main component of a computer?

9 Executing program instructions.
أي من الآتي ليس وظيفة من وحدة المعالجة المركزية؟ Executing program instructions. Ensuring program instructions are executed in the correct sequence. Sending . Carrying out calculations. Which one of the following is NOT a function of the Central Processing Unit?

10 Gigahertz (GHz). Bits per second (Bps). Gigabytes (GB).
Megabytes (MB). أي من الآتي يقيس سرعة المعالج؟ Which one of the following measures the speed of the CPU?

11 Speed of computer Resolution Transfer rate Capacity
ما هو الذي يقاس به وحدة الجيجا هرتز؟ Speed of computer Resolution Transfer rate Capacity What is the measured by unit GHZ?

12 GB MHZ Pixels Millisecond ما هو المستخدم لقياس السعة التخزينية؟
What is used for storage capacity measurement?

13 Internal hard disk DVD CD External hard disk
أي من الآتي هو أصغر سعة تخزين؟ Internal hard disk DVD CD External hard disk Which one of the following is a smallest storage capacity?

14 Keyboard Webcam Modem router
أي من الآتي يستخدم لنقل صور حية عبر الانترنت؟ Keyboard Webcam Modem router Which one of the following used for transmits live images over internet?

15 Client Mainframe Workgroup Server
ما هو الحاسب المسئول عن عملية طلب وتوصيل البيانات لأجهزة الحاسوب الاخري علي شبكة الانترنت؟ Client Mainframe Workgroup Server What is the computer that designed to process requests and deliver data to other computers over local network or the internet?

16 Application programs can write data to the Read Only Memory
أي من العبارات التالية عن ذاكرة القراءة فقط صحيح؟ Application programs can write data to the Read Only Memory The contents of the Read Only Memory are not deleted when the computer is switched off. The operating system is loaded into the Read Only member when the computer is started. Internet pages are stored in the Read Only Memory while they are being loaded. Which of these statements about Read Only Memory (ROM) is TRUE?

17 Lost when the power is switched off
أي من الآتي هو سمة من ذاكرة الوصول العشوائية؟ Cannot be erased Lost when the power is switched off Stores data downloaded from the Internet Holds system commands Which of these is a characteristic of RAM?

18 Increasing the number of applications running.
أي من الآتي يحسن من أداء الكمبيوتر؟ Using a larger monitor. Increasing the number of applications running. Using a faster printer. Increasing the size of RAM. Which one of the following would improve computer performance?

19 Linear. Radial. Lateral. FireWire. أي من الآتي هو منفذ إدخال وإخراج؟
Which one of the following is an input/output port?

20 Linear. Radial. Lateral. USB. أي من الآتي هو منفذ إدخال وإخراج؟
Which one of the following is an input/output port?

21 Anti-virus software. A webcam. Spyware. A security cable.
أي مما يلي يمكنه منع سرقة اللاب توب؟ Anti-virus software. A webcam. Spyware. A security cable. Which one of the following would prevent the theft of a laptop?

22 A website offering a file sharing service.
أي مما يلي يجب أن تستخدمه لنسخ البيانات الشخصية إحتياطياً؟ A labelled CD. A printout. A website offering a file sharing service. A friend’s computer. Which one of the following should you use to backup personal data?

23 Add a password to your user account.
أي من المهام التالية يمكن تنفيذها لكي تحسن الأداء لحاسبك؟ Add a password to your user account. Set up parental controls. Defragment the file system. Turn off your firewall. Which one of the following tasks could you perform in order to improve the performance of your computer?

24 iTunes. PowerPoint. Windows. Netscape.
أي من الآتي هو مثال لنظام التشغيل؟ iTunes. PowerPoint. Windows. Netscape. Which one of the following is an example of an operating system?

25 Software that can retrieve information from a database.
أي من الآتي يصف نظام تشغيل الحاسوب؟ Software that can retrieve information from a database. Hardware that can scan and convert photographs into digital files. Software that controls the allocation and usage of hardware. Hardware that can record and send images across the Internet. Which one of the following describes a computer’s operating system?

26 Word processing software.
أي من أنواع البرامج الآتية تستخدمها علي الأرجح لإنشاء خطاب؟ Web browsing software. Spreadsheet software. Accounting software. Word processing software. Which one of the following types of software would you most likely use to create a letter?

27 Spread sheet Database Word processing Photo viewer
أي من البرامج تفضل تكون أفضل لكتابة قصة قصيرة؟ Spread sheet Database Word processing Photo viewer Which software application most appropriate for writing a short story?

28 A screen calendar. A word processor. A screen reader. A web log.
أي من الآتي هو برنامج يساعد المستخدمين الذين يعانون من ضعف البصر لتحديد وتفسير ما يتم عرضه على الشاشة؟ A screen calendar. A word processor. A screen reader. A web log. Which one of the following is a software application that assists users who are visually impaired to identify and interpret what is displayed on screen?

29 Totally free software that is available only on the Internet.
أي من العبارات التالية يوصف النسخة التجريبية؟ Totally free software that is available only on the Internet. Commercial based software that must be paid for. Software available for free on a trial basis after which payment will be required. Copyright free software that allows unlimited copies and distribution. Which one of the following statements describes shareware?

30 a free program developed by students
برنامج النسخة التجريبية يوصف بـ؟ a program which may be downloaded and used for a trial period, but must be bought afterwards a program developed by a single team and accessible by anyone in the world a program installed on a Web site and executable on any system in the world a free program developed by students A shareware program is best described as....

31 Open Source Shareware Freeware License
أي من أنواع البرنامج يكون فيه كود البرنامج متاح؟ Open Source Shareware Freeware License What is the type of software make the programing code available?

32 Computer based training
أي مما يلي لا يستخدم كبرنامج حاسوبي داخل المدرسة؟ Class timetabling Student registration Computer based training Stock Control Which of the following is NOT a use of computer applications in a school?

33 Adding data to a spreadsheet
أي من المهام التالية هو وظيفة نظام التشغيل؟ Adding data to a spreadsheet Producing a database report File management Producing a presentation Which of the following tasks is a function of the operating system?

34 Word processing software
أي برنامج من الآتي يمكنك استخدامه للبحث عن المعلومات في الانترنت؟ Web browsing software Spreadsheet software Accounting software Word processing software Which software would you use to search for information in the internet?

35 A desktop publishing application
أي نوع من برامج الحاسوب التي يمكن استخدمها في المستشفيات للحفاظ علي التفاصيل الطبية للمريض؟ A desktop publishing application A database application An accounting application A presentation application What type of computer application would be used in a hospital to maintain patient medical details?

36 Storing it in a place free of magnetic fields.
أي مما يلي يصف كيفية تخزين البرامج بأمان؟ Storing it in a place free of magnetic fields. Storing it in a cupboard. Storing backups of the software. Storing it in its original packing. Which one of the following describes how software can be stored safely?

37 It gives full ownership of the software to the user of the software.
أي من العبارات التالية حول اتفاقية ترخيص المستخدم يعتبر صحيح؟ It gives full ownership of the software to the user of the software. It gives the user the exclusive right to copy and sell the software to other potential users. It gives the user the right to modify the software. It gives the user the right to install and run the software on a specified number of computers. Which one of the following statements about an End User License Agreement is true?

38 End user license agreement Software registry Software permission
تعطي الحق للمستخدم في تحميل نسخة واحده فقط علي الحاسب End user license agreement Software registry Software permission Software purchasing agreement Gives the user the right to installed the software to single computer?

39 Prepare a disk to store files
تهيئة القرص تستخدم ل : Find files on a disk Lock a disk Unlock a disk Prepare a disk to store files Disk formatting is used to:

40 Transfer rate Resolution Capacity Speed of computer
أي من الآتي يمثل سرعة نقل البيانات علي الشبكة؟ Transfer rate Resolution Capacity Speed of computer Which one of the following represent the speed of data transmission in a network?

41 A Blog. RSS. A Podcast. Instant messaging.
أي من الآتي هو وسيلة لنشر المحتويات التي يتم تحديثها باستمرار مثل عناوين الأخبار عبر الإنترنت؟ A Blog. RSS. A Podcast. Instant messaging. Which one of the following is a method of publishing frequently updated content such as news headlines online?

42 RSS Internet forum fire wire Chat Room
يعتبر من المجتمع الوهمي الذي يسمح للمستخدمين بعقد مناقشات ونشر رسالة لموضوع معين؟ RSS Internet forum fire wire Chat Room Considered a virtual community that allows users to hold discussion and post message on specific subject?

43 Podcast. Blog. VoIP. RSS Feed.
أي من الآتي يكون مصطلح للتسجيلات الصوتية والمرئية المنشورة علي الموقع ويمكن تحميلها ومشاهدتها لاحقاً؟ Podcast. Blog. VoIP. RSS Feed. Which one of the following is a term for an audio or video recording posted on a web site that can be downloaded and played later?

44 Weblog Email RSS podcast
أي مصطلح يوصف طريقة ملفات الوسائط المتعددة (صوتية , مرئية) التي تنتشر علي الانترنت وتحدث بإستمرار؟ Weblog RSS podcast Which term used to describe the way media file (audio , video) are broadcast over internet and constantly update?

45 Network protocol Weblog VOIP Internet protocol
أي برتوكول يسمح لجهازك لإرسال وإستقبال المحاداثات الصوتية عبر الأنترنت؟ Network protocol Weblog VOIP Internet protocol Which protocol allow your computer to send and receive voice based conversation over the internet?

46 The Internet. A Local Area Network. The World Wide Web.
يتم توصيل أجهزة الكمبيوتر في مبني مكتبك لكي يمكن الموظفين من مشاركة الملفات والطابعة. ماذا يطلق علي ترتيب هذه الاجهزة؟ The Internet. A Local Area Network. The World Wide Web. A network port. The computers in your office building are connected together so staff can share files and printers. What is this arrangement of computers called?

47 A network of computer linked within a building is called a LAN
أي من العبارات التالية خطأ؟ A network of computer linked within a building is called a LAN Databases can be accessed by many users who connected to a LAN. A network-linking computer over cities countries is called WAN Applications cannot be shared over a LAN. Which one of these statements is False?

48 Intranet. WorldNets. Internet. Extranet.
أي من الآتي يعتبر شبكة خاصة تسمح بدخول مستخدمين خارجين ومحددين؟ Intranet. WorldNets. Internet. Extranet. ?translate Which one of the following is a private network for a company that allows certain external users access via internet?

49 VOIP Phone line Web browser Email
أي من الآتي يستخدم لتأسيس الاتصال بالأنترنت؟ VOIP Phone line Web browser Which one used for establish an internet connection?

50 CD-ROM. Modem. Printer. Speakers.
أي من الأجهزة التالية تحتاجها لكي تكون قادر على التواصل مع أجهزة الكمبيوتر الأخرى التي تستخدم شبكة الهاتف؟ CD-ROM. Modem. Printer. Speakers. Which one of the following devices do you need to be able to communicate with other computers using the telephone network?

51 The Internet is a private company network.
أي من العبارات التالية عن الأنترنت صحيحة؟ The Internet is a global network that links many computer networks together. The Internet is a private company network. The Internet is a visual representation of linked documents. The Internet is a network operating system. Which one of the following statements about the Internet is TRUE?

52 Completely safe from intruders.
أي من الآتي ينتمي إلي النطاق العريض؟ Completely safe from intruders. It is a slow than dial up connection. It is high speed access to a network. Cost can vary from day to day. Which one of the following is related to broadband?

53 أي مما يلي يصف الشبكة العامة؟
A network where devices outside the network cannot see or communicate directly with computers on the network. A network where devices outside the network can see but cannot communicate directly with computers on the network. A network where devices outside the network can see and communicate directly with computers on the network. A network where devices outside the network cannot see but can communicate directly with computers on the network. Which one of the following describes a public network?

54 They cannot be intercepted by unknown users.
أي من العبارات الاتية بخصوص الشبكات اللاسلكية يعتبر صحيح؟ They cannot be intercepted by unknown users. They limit accessibility to other users. They limit visibility to other users. They can be accessible to other users. Which one of the following statements about wireless networks is TRUE?

55 Disconnect the computer from the network.
أي مما يلي يعتبر الفعل الموصى به لمنع خطر الوصول إلى شبكة من قبل مستخدمين اّخرين؟ Disconnect the computer from the network. Complain to the System Administrator. Change the computer login password frequently. Adjust the Internet security settings. Which one of the following is the recommended action to prevent the risk of access to a network by other users?

56 Short-range wired protocol for exchanging data.
أي مما يلي يصف البلوتوث ؟ Short-range wired protocol for exchanging data. Short-range wireless protocol for exchanging data. Long-range wireless protocol for exchanging data. Long-range wired protocol for exchanging data. Which one of the following describes Bluetooth?

57 To increase the range of the device.
أي مما يلي يبين سبب أن إعدادات أجهزة البلوتوث لابد أن تكون مضبطة؟ To increase the range of the device. To improve the quality of reception. To prevent the risk of unauthorised access. To reduce interference from other devices. Which one of the following describes why Bluetooth device settings should be adjusted?

58 Printer. Mobile Phone. Modem. MP3.
أي مما يلي ينتج في فقدان تفاصيل الأسماء إذا تم سرقتها؟ Printer. Mobile Phone. Modem. MP3. Which one of the following would result in the loss of contact details if it were stolen?

59 Check the router and modem are turned on.
أي من الافعال الآتية هو أنسب خطوة لحل فقدان اتصال الشبكة؟ Check the router and modem are turned on. Check the printer is turned on. Update the device drivers. Defragment the hard drive. Which one of the following actions is the most appropriate step to resolve a lost network connection?

60 A network operating system A network filing system
الشبكة الداخلية هي: A network operating system A network filing system A private company network A private company network that includes external specified users An intranet is:

61 Integrated Standard Digital Networks
ما هي خدمة الشبكة الرقمية المتكاملة؟ Integrated Standard Digital Networks Integrated Services Digital Network Interactive Standard Dynamic Networks Internet Services Data Network What is ISDN?

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