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Podcasting. What is Podcasting? A collection of technologies for distributing Audio and Video over the Internet Distributed by a RSS (Really Simple Syndication)

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Presentation on theme: "Podcasting. What is Podcasting? A collection of technologies for distributing Audio and Video over the Internet Distributed by a RSS (Really Simple Syndication)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Podcasting

2 What is Podcasting? A collection of technologies for distributing Audio and Video over the Internet Distributed by a RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed that can be updated automatically Users can listen anytime and anywhere through the Internet or mobile device

3 Where the name came from? Personal On Demand Broadcasting Not from iPods, because you can listen on any mobile device

4 3 reasons for Popularity Anyone can create a podcast Subscription – automatically download to your computer or mobile device for you Gadgetry – listen anywhere, anytime  You do NOT have to depend on the Traditional media to get your information

5 Some Reasons to Create own Podcast Always wanted your own talk show, but don’t own a radio station or work at one You are a musician and want to build a fan base by providing your music to potential fans

6 Some Reasons to Create own Podcast You are a speaker and want to sell a multi- part audio seminar (Yes, it is possible to make Money!) You are an author and want to interest people into buying by offering some spoken word pages

7 Some Reasons to Create own Podcast You are a Raving Lunatic and want to rant to the world about Conspiracies, UFOs, JFK, …

8 Some Reasons to Create own Podcast Podcasting is for Anyone for Any Reason

9 Uses of Podcasts Talk Shows Music Shows Interviews Story Telling Tutorials Directions Commentaries Sportscasts Etc…

10 RSS Really Simple Syndication Enables subscribers to receive automatic updates

11 Podcatcher Software that finds new podcasts and transfers them from the Internet to your computer (or mobile device) automatically Have to subscribe iTunes is one example

12 MP3 Compressed audio files

13 Synchronize Copy from your computer to mobile device

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