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Financial Services (FS) update – Q (As per FS)

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1 Financial Services (FS) update – Q1 2011 (As per FS)
FS Q1’11 key a Glance FS Revenue Distribution - Q in Mn BDT Particulars Q1’ 11 Q4’ 10 Q3’ 10 Total No. of Transaction* in Mn 1.61 1.32 1.31 Total Revenue in Mn BDT 20.09 18.38 17.03 Total Expenditure in Mn BDT 29.20 27.07 -2.00 Avg. revenue per Transaction in BDT 12.45 13.96 13.04 Avg. cost per Transaction in BDT 18.09 20.56 -1.75 AIPPT in BDT (5.64) (7.00) 14.79 Others include Train, Lottery & Sports Ticketing. * Total No. of Transaction includes BillPay, Train Ticketing Lottery & Sports Ticketing. FS Revenue as per FS Financials Q1’ 11 [Target Vs. Actual ] Monthly FS Revenue & Expénditure Trendz in Mn BDT In Mn BDT For Q1’11(Jan-Mar’11) Incremental Profit/Loss stayed Approx -3 Mill/Month. In Q1’11 actual FS Revenue as per FS Financials is 0.5 Mn ahead from Targeted revenue . This happened mainly due to higher interest income from float management, service charge through retailer, Lottery and SMS Banking Revenue.

2 Financial Services (FS) update – Q1 2011 (As per FS)
+ 0% + 7.9% + 9.4% FS Revenue Growth Qtr by Qtr in '000 BDT -26 +1% +23% No. of FS Transaction Qtr. by Qtr. = Growth In Q1’11, FS Revenue slightly increased and Transaction volume increased by 22% from last quarter by higher selling of Lottery Tickets. Inspite of reduced commission income from PDB, FS revenue slightly increased due to higher interest income from float management, service charge through retailer and SMS Banking Revenue.

3 FS Revenue Distribution Q1 2011
in ‘000 BDT Revenue Q1’ 2011 Q4’ 2010 Call Center 389 613 Utility companies 2,248 2,165 Service Charge 394 447 Bank Interest 3,847 3,965 Consumer Fee 9,540 10,105 Commission 1,786 517 SMS Banking 1,895 564 Total Revenue 20,100 18,375

4 FS Expenditure Distribution Q1 2011
FS Expenditure Qtr by Qtr in '000 BDT -108% -1285% +8% Average Cost Per Transaction in BDT -1275% -12% % 20.70 (1.75) 20.56 = Growth in ‘000 BDT In Mar 2011, Bank Guarantee Premium has been added to Bank Charges as a part of Other Cost in Q1’11, Other cost includes office running expenses, maintenance cost, Travel, Training Per diem cost, Entertainment Cost and Bank charges. Expenditure Q1’ 2011 Q4’ 2010 Channel Cost 13,235 14,726 Market & Communication 1,541 2,398 Personnel Cost 10,889 9,081 Other Cost 3,536 867 Total Expenditure 29,200 27,072

5 FS Incremental Profit Q1 2011
Qtr. By Qtr. Incremental Profit in '000 BDT +5% -145% -264% Average Incremental Profit Per Transaction in BDT -15% -145% -275% = Growth Resultantly, Average Incremental Profit per Transaction (AIPPT) in Q1’ 11 went to negative Tk. 6 from negative Tk. 7 of Q4’10. This means; Tk 1 less loss/ transactions has occurred in Q1’11from Q4’10 .

6 As per GP Financial Statements
Reconciliation: FS P&L vs. GP Financial Statement Reconciliation: ERP vs. FS Amount in BDT Q1-2011 As per FS (Normalized) As per GP Financial Statements Variance +/(-) Reason for Variances YTD Revenue 20,099,620 6,324,172 (13,775,448) üIncome from Bank Interest on Float Management, Service Charge income through Retailers and Call Center Revenue from 1200 Port not considered as FS Revenue in GP Financial Statement. üBank Interest is booked as negative Financial Cost in GP Financials. üCall Center Revenue booked as part of Customer Support Revenue since Individual revenue is not considered for 1200 port in GP ERP or GP level Financials. ü Service charge income through Retailers totally not considered as GP Revenue since it has no impact on GP Financials. Revenue-Q1'11 -Do- Expenditure-Q1'11 29,200,350 15,682,933 (13,517,417) üThe variance is due to consideration of Service Charge income through retailers also as expenditure in FS Financials and Interest income from float management booked as negative Financial cost in GP Financials. FS Profit/(Loss) - Q1'11 (9,100,730) (9,358,761) FS Profit/(Loss) per Txn (5.64) (5.80)

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