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Chapter 3 โพรเซสเซอร์และการทำงาน The Processing Unit

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2 Chapter 3 โพรเซสเซอร์และการทำงาน The Processing Unit
Fundamental of Computer Architecture

3 เนื้อหา นิยาม และคำศัพท์ที่ควรรู้เกี่ยวกับไมโครโพรเซสเซอร์และ ไมโครคอมพิวเตอร์ ประวัติความเป็นมาของไมโครโพรเซสเซอร์ ข้อดีข้อเสียของไมโครโพรเซสเซอร์ ข้อพิจารณาในการเลือกใช้ไมโครโพรเซสเซอร์ Fundamental of Computer Architecture

4 Computer BUS A group of wires that connects several devices
Three types of Bus Address bus Data bus Control bus Fundamental of Computer Architecture

5 Address bus Used to specify memory location that the cpu want to access(read/write) n-bit address bus provides 2n addresses For Example MCS bit address bus -> 216 = 16 Kbyte of memory bit address bus -> 220 = 1 Mbyte of memory Pentium 32-bit address bus -> 232 = 4 Gbyte of memory Fundamental of Computer Architecture

6 Databus Used to sent data between CPU and peripheral(memory, i/o)
The more bit of data bus, the more speed achieved For Example MCS bit data bus bit data bus Pentium 64-bit data bus Fundamental of Computer Architecture

7 BUS Fundamental of Computer Architecture

8 CPU : Basic operations Fetch : Read the instructions and data from memory Execute : perform the desired operation and write the result into the memory or registers Fundamental of Computer Architecture

9 FETCH Fundamental of Computer Architecture

10 240-208 Fundamental of Computer Architecture

11 Terminology IR : Instruction Register MAR : Memory Address Register
Fundamental of Computer Architecture

12 Instructions of CPU There are 4 types of instructions
1. Data transfer between memory and CPU registers 2. Arithmetic and Logic Operations on data 3. Program Sequencing and Control 4. I/O transfer Fundamental of Computer Architecture

13 Basic instruction types : three address instruction
D = A+B+C LOAD R0,[10000] LOAD R1,[10001] ADD R2, R0, R1 LOAD R0,[10002] ADD R1, R0,R2 STORE [10003],R1 Note ADD R2,R0,R1 means R2 = R0+R1 Fundamental of Computer Architecture

14 Basic instruction types : two address instruction
D = A+B+C LOAD R0,[10000] LOAD R1,[10001] ADD R0,R1 LOAD R2,[10002] ADD R0,R2 STORE [10003],R0 Note ADD R0,R1 means R0 = R0+R1 Fundamental of Computer Architecture

15 Basic instruction types : one address instruction
D = A+B+C LOAD [10000] ADD [10001] ADD [10002] STORE [10003] Note ADD [10001] means Acc = Acc + [10001] Fundamental of Computer Architecture

16 CPU registers General purpose registers Special purpose register
R0,R1…Rn A,B, C,…. Special purpose register PC SP Accumulator Flag or Condition code Fundamental of Computer Architecture

17 PC :Program Counter register
Used to keep the next address of memory that CPU want to access PC and address-bus have the same size Fundamental of Computer Architecture

18 PC :Program Counter (continued)
Fundamental of Computer Architecture

19 PC :Program Counter (continued)
Fundamental of Computer Architecture

20 PC :Program Counter (continued)
Fundamental of Computer Architecture

21 PC :Program Counter (continued)
Fundamental of Computer Architecture

22 PC :Program Counter (continued)
Fundamental of Computer Architecture

23 PC :Program Counter (continued)
Fundamental of Computer Architecture

24 Branching [25000] = [10000]+[10002]+[10003]+….+[24999]
LOC35000: LOAD R0,#0 LOAD R1,#14999 LOAD R3,#10000 LOC35003: LOAD R2,[R3] ADD R0, R2 INC R3 DEC R1 Branch_NZ LOC35003 STORE [R3],R0 Fundamental of Computer Architecture

25 Flag or Condition code Register
keep the status after perform arithmetic and logic operation Example: Flags of CPU z80 Fundamental of Computer Architecture

26 Addressing modes of CPU
Immediate #value load R0,#00001 Register Ri load R0,R1 Direct(absolute) [mem_loc] load R0,[100000] Register indirect [Ri] load R0,[R1] Relative X[PC] Index Fundamental of Computer Architecture

27 Immediate addressing load R1,#00001
Fundamental of Computer Architecture

28 Direct addressing LOAD R1,[1200H]
Fundamental of Computer Architecture

29 Register indirect load R0,[R1]
Fundamental of Computer Architecture

30 Index addressing Use index register Effective address = X + [Ri]
When X = offset (or displacement) Ri = index register or Base register Fundamental of Computer Architecture

31 Index addressing Offset is given as a constant
Fundamental of Computer Architecture

32 Index addressing Offset is in the index register
Fundamental of Computer Architecture

33 Example1 : Transfering bytes of data
Copy values in memory location 1000h-1400h to location 2000h-2400h (1024 byte) Fundamental of Computer Architecture

34 Example1 : Transfering bytes of data
STRT: LD R0,#1000H LD R1,#2000H LD R3,#1024 LOC_A: LD R4, [R0] STORE [R1], R4 INC R0 INC R1 DEC R3 BRANCH>0 LOC_A CALL PRINTF Fundamental of Computer Architecture

35 Example2: Unsigned Multiplication by Repeated Addition
Multiply 8-bit unsigned number C = A * B Fundamental of Computer Architecture

36 Example2: Unsigned Multiplication by Repeated Addition
Fundamental of Computer Architecture

37 Example2: Unsigned Multiplication by Repeated Addition
STRT : LOAD R1,#0 LOAD R3, [mem_loc_A] LOAD R2, [mem_loc_B] LOOP: ADD R1,R3 DEC R2 BRANCH>0 LOOP STORE [mem_loc_C],R1 CALL PRINTF Fundamental of Computer Architecture

38 Example2: Unsigned Multiplication by Repeated Addition
Problem of the program in page 37 If B = 0 then the result is A , not 0 How to remedy the problem Fundamental of Computer Architecture

39 Example2: Unsigned Multiplication by Repeated Addition
STRT : LOAD R1,#0 LOAD R3, [mem_loc_A] LOAD R2, [mem_loc_B] Compare R2,#0 Branch_Z STR LOOP: ADD R1,R3 DEC R2 Branch>0 LOOP STR: STORE [mem_loc_C],R1 Fundamental of Computer Architecture

40 Example3: if-then-else
if (mem_loc_a == 5) mem_loc_b++; else mem_loc_b = mem_loc_a + mem_loc_b; Fundamental of Computer Architecture

41 Example3: if-then-else
Load R1,[mem_loc_a] Load R2,[mem_loc_b] Compare r1,#5 Branch_NZ b_p_a inc r2 branch stre b_p_a: Add r2,r1 stre: Store [mem_loc_a],r1 Store [mem_loc_b],r2 Fundamental of Computer Architecture

42 Example4: checking greater-than
if (mem_loc_a > 5) mem_loc_b++; else mem_loc_b = mem_loc_a + mem_loc_b; Fundamental of Computer Architecture

43 Example4: checking greater-than
Load R1,[mem_loc_a] Load R2,[mem_loc_b] compare r1,#5 branch_z equ_g_5 ;equal 5 branch_M equ_g_5 ;M= minus inc r2 branch stre equ_g_5: Add r2,r1 stre: Store [mem_loc_a],r1 Store [mem_loc_b],r2 Fundamental of Computer Architecture

44 Example4: checking greater-than
Load R1,[mem_loc_a] Load R2,[mem_loc_b] sub r1,#5 branch>0 gt_5 Add r2,r1 branch stre gt_5: inc r2 stre: Store [mem_loc_a],r1 Store [mem_loc_b],r2 Fundamental of Computer Architecture

45 Basic processing unit the structure of simple CPU
How the internal parts of CPU work How to design the simple processor Datapath Control Unit Fundamental of Computer Architecture

46 Inside simple CPU with Single-bus Datapath
Fundamental of Computer Architecture

47 Perform instruction ADD R1,R2
MAR <= PC ADDRESS_BUS <= MAR, read MDR <= MEMORY[MAR] IR <= MDR Z <= PC + 4 PC <= Z Y <= R1 Z <= Y + R2 R2 <= Z Fetch phase Execution phase Fundamental of Computer Architecture

48 Perform instruction ADD R1,R2
Active Signals MAR <= PC PCout, MARin ADDRESS_BUS <= MAR,read read MDR <= MEMORY[MAR] MDRinE, WMFC IR <= MDR MDRout,IRin Z <= PC + 4 PCout, MUX_sel4, Add,Zin PC <= Z Zout,PCin Y <= R1 Yin, R1out Z <= Y + R2 R2out, MUX_selY, Add, Zin R2 <= Z Zout, R2in Fundamental of Computer Architecture

49 How to modify FETCH operation to be faster
MAR <= PC ADDRESS_BUS <= MAR, Read MDR <= MEMORY[MAR], WMFC IR <= MDR Z <= PC + 4 PC <= Z MAR <= PC, Read, Z <= PC+4 , MDR <= MEMORY[MAR] PC <= Z, WMFC IR <= MDR Fundamental of Computer Architecture

50 Modified FETCH operation
Active Signals MAR <= PC, Read, Z <= PC+4 , MDR <= MEMORY[MAR] PC <= Z, WMFC IR <= MDR PCout, MARin, Read, Mux_sel4, Add, Zin Zout, PCin, Yin, WMFC MDRout, IRin Fundamental of Computer Architecture

51 Perform instruction load R1,[mem_locA]
MAR <= PC, Read, Z <= PC+4 , MDR <= MEMORY[MAR] PC <= Z, WMFC IR <= MDR MAR <= & IR24..0 ADDRESS_BUS <= MAR MDR <= MEMORY[MAR] R1 <= MDR Fetch phase Execution phase Fundamental of Computer Architecture

52 Three-bus organization
Fundamental of Computer Architecture

53 Perform Instruction ADD R6,R5, R4
Step Action 1 PCout, R=B, MARin, Read, incPC 2 WMFC, MDRin_from_databus 3 MDRout_busB, R= B, IRin 4 R4out_busB, R5out_busA, Add, R6in, End Fundamental of Computer Architecture

54 Control Units 2 types of Control units Hardwired Microprogrammed
Fundamental of Computer Architecture

55 Control sequence for instruction ADD R1,(R3)
Step Action 1 PCout, MARin, Read, Select4, Add, Zin 2 Zout, PCin, Yin, WMFC 3 MDRout, IRin 4 R3out, MARin, Read 5 R1out, Yin, WMFC 6 MDRout, SelectY, Add, Zin 7 Zout, R1in, End Fundamental of Computer Architecture

56 Control sequence for instruction Branch
Step Action 1 PCout, MARin, Read, Select4, Add, Zin 2 Zout, PCin, Yin, WMFC 3 MDRout, IRin 4 Offset-field-of-IRout, ADD, Zin 5 Zout, PCin, End Fundamental of Computer Architecture

57 Control sequence for instruction Branch<0
Step Action 1 PCout, MARin, Read, Select4, Add, Zin 2 Zout, PCin, Yin, WMFC 3 MDRout, IRin 4 Offset-field-of-IRout, ADD, Zin, if N=0 then End 5 Zout, PCin, End Fundamental of Computer Architecture

58 Hardwired Control Unit
Fundamental of Computer Architecture

59 Control Unit organization
Fundamental of Computer Architecture

60 Zin and END control signals
Zin = T1 + (T6ADD) + (T4  BR)+….. End = (T7 ADD) + (T5 BR) + (((T5 N)+(T4 N)) BRN)+.... Note BR = Branch instruction BRN = Branch<0 instruction N = Negative flag Fundamental of Computer Architecture

61 Generation of Zin control signal
Fundamental of Computer Architecture

62 Generation of END control signal
Fundamental of Computer Architecture

63 Microprogrammed control unit
Fundamental of Computer Architecture

64 “Control words” stored in “Control Store”
From Figure 7.15 page 430 of “Computer Organization”, 5th edition, Carl Hamacher, McGraw Hill Fundamental of Computer Architecture

65 จบ บทที่ 3 Fundamental of Computer Architecture

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