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Art, sand tray and play therapy

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Presentation on theme: "Art, sand tray and play therapy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Art, sand tray and play therapy
Counselling children Art, sand tray and play therapy

2 Art therapy with children

3 Sand tray therapy with children

4 Session with parents or parent

5 Session with parents

6 Initial session with parents or parent
First session with the parents or parent to get information about the situation that doesn't need to be talked about in front of the child

7 Parents – initial session
What works well? What doesn't work well? Family background Are parents together Are parents separated Are they re-partnered Step parenting issues Parenting disagreements Boundaries Strengths and talents of the child Hobbies Issues with siblings Issues that brings child to counselling:  emotional  behavioural

8 Who will benefit from counselling? The parent (s) child / whole family
Assessment of who will benefit most. What are the issues?- Do they relate to the parenting or surrounding situations between parents Child’s issues Behavioural Emotional At home At school With friends With separation from parent ?

9 Child’s emotional signs
Fears: fear of monsters Nightmares Fear of new things, fear of going to school, fear of visits etc General anxiety Sadness: crying a lot, being clingy at separation of parents, after moving house – loss of friends Anger and aggression: throwing things, generally angry after certain events, towards certain people, acting out, destroying toys, hurting siblings, pets etc


11 Child’s behaviour Aggressive behaviour: kicking things, destroying things like toys, hitting or kicking others, siblings friends etc Bullying others , acting out at school Not listening Not obeying, being disrespectful to others Back chatting to parent (s) Not wanting to go to school: being bullied by other kids, Shyness and feeling anxious about going to school,

12 Play is therapeutic in itself

13 What is play and sand tray therapy and how does it work?
Sand tray therapy has been developed by a Jungian therapist over 50 years ago. She found that this kind of therapy is a non – intrusive, non-judgemental approach to help the child express itself Play is the natural language of a child It works often on a symbolic level and lets children work inner and outer conflicts out in a non threatening way

14 Self directed play – story telling
Figurines are placed in the sand tray The child either talks or is silently placing figures in the sand and moving them around I ask about the story and who is in the story


16 How it works Fears can be externalised as a dragon or monster in the sand tray Sadness can be expressed by choosing a figurine that looks sad – or by isolating a figure Anger can safely be expressed (motorbikes or warrior figures often help)




20 Kids skills Kids skills Learning to have courage
Learning to challenge fears Turning fears into challenged that can be overcome Creating support to help challenge fears Reward system

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