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Home Learning in Year 2 Home Learning in Year 2 is largely an opportunity for children to use the skills they have learned at school in a different setting.

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Presentation on theme: "Home Learning in Year 2 Home Learning in Year 2 is largely an opportunity for children to use the skills they have learned at school in a different setting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Home Learning in Year 2 Home Learning in Year 2 is largely an opportunity for children to use the skills they have learned at school in a different setting.

2 In Year 2 we have spelling and literacy homework weekly. Each alternate week there is also a maths homework. Spellings are linked to the words we are using in literacy and phonics. A few minutes practice daily is much more effective than just one practice.

3 Literacy homework We link the Literacy homework to what we have been studying in the literacy lessons. E.g. Phonics work, sentence work, report writing, comprehension, writing a poem or writing instructions.

4 E.g. If we were working on instructions and recipes Then our literacy homework might be: write a simple recipe for a dish you make at home. Homework tasks are designed to practise new skills.

5 Maths homework Maths homework tasks are often games to practise number skills with a partner. It might be a task on Mathletics. Sometimes your child may need dice. Sometimes they will need a ruler for measuring in centimetres. We often ask them to use coins. Year 2 children need to have learnt the 2x,5x, and 10x tables and use them in their work and then the 3x table and the 4x table. These last two tables are very useful for fractions. Please also focus on your child’s targets and remember to practise their numeracy passport targets too.

6 10/04/2015 6 How can I help my child in Science in Year 2 ? In Science, as in other subjects, children need to be able to explain their thinking. Ask them what they think about science topics and ideas. Encourage them to find out more. Do practical activities together and talk about it. Use the library. Explore Ks1 and ks2 science websites. The most important thing is talking about the world around us. Science is everywhere in every part of life! Get them to observe, think and ask questions.

7 Websites Mathletics Bug Club Fronter Your child should have user names and passwords for all of these – if not, or you have lost them, please ask your child’s teacher.

8 We hope your child enjoys the activities we send home. Thank you for your help and support with home learning.

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