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Communicating Information: Web Design

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1 Communicating Information: Web Design

2 What is HTML? HyperText Mark-up Language is what enables the browser to identify how to display text or graphics on a web page. HTML is made up of tags. < > Tags are the angle brackets.

3 <title> The words inside the brackets are called elements.
Title is the element inside the tag.

4 <title> </title>
There are two types of tags. Container tags come in twos, one at the beginning and one at the end. <title> </title> Notice the difference between them.

5 Empty tags stand on their own.
<br> There is only one.

6 HTML can be written either in capital letters or lower-case.
<body> <BODY> For consistency stick to one or the other.

7 Understanding the language
A web page is divided into two: the head <html> <head> <title> </title> </head> <body> </body> </html> and the body.

8 <html> <head> <title>spiders, creepy crawlies</title> </head> The text inside the head tag cannot be seen. The title is used to include words that describe the web page. These words are used by search engines to find the relevant web sites.

9 <body> <h1>Spiders: The facts</h1> <p>Spiders are not insects. They have eight legs.</p> <p>They inject venom with their fangs</p> </body> </html> The text inside the body is seen on the web page. To make text bigger we use headings <h1> to <h6> . <h1> is the biggest. <p> starts a new paragraph.

10 HTML matching

11 Tag, drag and drop Drag the tags around the edge of the screen into the correct spaces to complete the HTML document.

12 Summary The End HTML stands for HyperText Mark-up Language.
HTML enables the browser to identify how to display text or graphics on a web page. It is made up of tags and elements. There are two types of tags: container and empty. A web page is divided into two parts: the head and the body. Only the text in the body can be seen. What can I remember? The End

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