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Visitor Research at EM Eiteljorg Museum of American Indians and Western Art.

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1 Visitor Research at EM Eiteljorg Museum of American Indians and Western Art

2 Whole Museum Experience  Comments on how how elevator tower sets mood for for museum experience.  Seeking exits – In Hands, visitors took the straightest path to next exit, bypassing large part of exhibit; in Mihtohseenionki, a couple of students commented about feeling closed in (can’t see exit)  Some exhibits have increased dwell time (R&R adults – 48 min. ave; Mihtoh – 1 hr on weekends);  When visitors enter from back of gallery (esp 1st floor), dwell time is decreased;  Comments from Ansel Adams visitors shows they didn’t go upstairs (didn’t know we had NA “stuff”).

3 Some Exit Survey Demographics  Most exhibit surveys completed show largest audience 50-65, 2nd largest 30-49, with majority of surveys completed by women. But some are different:  Iqqaipaa – 1) 18-29;  Ansel Adams 1) 30-49, 2) 18-29;  New Art: 1) 50-65; 2) 18 and under  Americanos: 1) Tied: 30-49 and 19-29;  Chihuly o 1st wknd: 1) 18-29, even men to women, 75% already knew about Chihuly; o Since then: 1) regular audience: 50-65, 56% already know about Chihuly (ave. for most exhibits);  R&R and Terpning: about even men to women completing survey

4 Visitor Agendas Remington & Russell  Adults, mostly 45+, appeared to read every panel and discussed info/history/artists;  Families talked about Old West and cowboys and kids were most interested in sculptures (animals?);  Rodeo visitors analyzed artist’s level of accuracy in portrayal of horses and discussed their horse experiences;

5 Visitor Agendas (cont.) Mihtohseenionki:  Some focus mainly on the timeline (mostly adults), some only on the objects (variety), some drawn to interactives and videos (children, families and adults);  Hands-on cart and artists in residence draw all ages;  When bay kiosks weren’t working properly, kids got found their way to games (solitaire, etc.) Ansel Adams:  Many Ansel Adams visitors were photo buffs and wanted technical details on how to take a picture like that (f-stop, lens, etc.)

6 Labels  Many of our adult visitors appear to read labels  Long labels/panels (300 words+) appealed to adults and increased dwell time (48 min ave., some 1.5 hrs);  Lack of labels/info may have decreased adult dwell time;  However, long labels generally were not read by adults with children and dwell time was much shorter (10 min.)  Adult visitors expressed most interest in the labels that told stories related to artwork/artist; Kids wanted to know what animal was portrayed in sculpture;  Labels/visuals that lead the visitor to look back at art/object seem successful (details, sketches with finished work, meaning of designs);

7 Family Groups  Long labels/small print doesn’t work for family groups;  Some exhibits are accessible to youth even if there are no interactives (Ansel Adams, Chihuly – well known? Easily understood?)  Kids express interest in animals  Presence of staff/volunteer in gallery increases dwell time and interaction with kids.  Families tend to gravitate towards Mihtohseenionki.

8 Vygotsky Theory Applications Fact: General population has concept of NA’s in the past and has trouble conceiving of them as part of today’s world:  Provide ladders to reach higher understanding/new concepts– o Several Fellowship visitors surveyed wanted info about how art/artist had ties to NA culture (to their concept of NAs); o Art Talk – provides kids (and adults) with info and ways to analyze art using art terms; o Mihtoh ties past to present; let’s them see and hear from Native Americans (as does Fellowship);  Prior conceptions: o Perhaps because of above fact, some students reported they had to come to Mihtohseenionki twice to accept gallery’s main idea; o Going back to survey school children.

9 Restorative Effect  Focus groups: many used words like calm, peaceful, happy to describe emotions about visiting;  Informal comments: warm/friendly; peaceful (esp. tower)  Fields – large landscape paintings – peaceful/calm  Mihtohseenionki – for some calm/peaceful; others distracting (depends on time of visit)

10 Ability to Have “Flow” Experience  Admissions staff provides suggestions to visitors (esp. families);  Based on comments, some visitors may have experience “flow” in Ansel Adams and Chihuly;  Mihtohseenionki provides lots of choices  Poor “Flow”: content and placement of Mihtohseenionki map

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