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Teacher: Roberta Conti School year 2006/07Comenius project.

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2 Teacher: Roberta Conti School year 2006/07Comenius project

3 Teacher: Roberta Conti School year 2006/07Comenius project It is the contamination of air because of gases, liquid or solid substances immission that changes the natural atmosferical composition in a great or small area.

4 Teacher: Roberta Conti School year 2006/07Comenius project It is up to the diffusion of ashes or gases produced by volcans and fires; Most dangerous gases are: clorhydric acid, sulphurouse anhydride and carbon bioxid.

5 Teacher: Roberta Conti School year 2006/07Comenius project Best reasons: Iron and steel factories; waste/rubbish burners; Oil refinery; Cement factories; Chemical factories; Heating plants and smoke made by escape- pipe.

6 Teacher: Roberta Conti School year 2006/07Comenius project Polluting elements produced by human activities; Natural polluting elements. Classes of atmospherical polluting elements: Primary elements-> let in as they are; Secondary elements -> produced by chemical reaction directly into the atmosphere.

7 Teacher: Roberta Conti School year 2006/07Comenius project OUTDOOR POLLUTION: produced by substances into open spaces, INDOOR POLLUTION: produced by substances that are inside of buildings. Indoor Air Quality index indicated the quality of air inside of buildings. (We know something as 3,000 pollution particles in the air)

8 Teacher: Roberta Conti School year 2006/07Comenius project The polluting substances that are in the air have a concentration that is up to metereological and climatical condition, to temperature and to the wind speed.

9 Teacher: Roberta Conti School year 2006/07Comenius project Breathing and circolatory problems, Increasing of cancer, Empoisoning and change of metabolism; (in plants) poisoning and death; Degeneration processes of walls, stones, paints and plasters of buildings.

10 Teacher: Roberta Conti School year 2006/07Comenius project The invisibile pollution particles associated to air water vapour and dusts, produce a dense and dark fog, said SMOG (smoke + fog).

11 Teacher: Roberta Conti School year 2006/07Comenius project Pollution provokes: Breathing difficulties; Cronic bronchitis; Cancer.

12 Teacher: Roberta Conti School year 2006/07Comenius project Using filters, softeners or other safety devices. Building factories in windy areas. Increasing parks and gardens in towns. Providing incentives for use ecological energies.

13 Teacher: Roberta Conti School year 2006/07Comenius project The air pollution don’t respect any frontier between the countries. It only could be fighted with international planes!!!

14 Teacher: Roberta Conti School year 2006/07Comenius project Written by: STEFANIA CARANO 2nd class

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