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The Role of Local Government in Response to Population Ageing Emerging Messages from the Local Government Association’s Task and Finish Group.

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Presentation on theme: "The Role of Local Government in Response to Population Ageing Emerging Messages from the Local Government Association’s Task and Finish Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Role of Local Government in Response to Population Ageing Emerging Messages from the Local Government Association’s Task and Finish Group

2 Tough Challenges Cuts to local government core funding: 40 pence in every pound since 2010 Savings of £2.6 billion required from councils in 2015-16 Little further scope for efficiencies Very difficult choices lie ahead

3 Positive Vision Councils working tirelessly to protect valued services and champion people and communities High levels of trust in local government £millions already saved through efficiency and innovation Councils’ role: place-shapers, drivers of new ideas, working with partners locally

4 Ageing Society LGA Task and Finish Group: addressed broad range of themes. Proactive approach to planning for ageing needed. Number of people aged 65+ will increase by 65% in next 25 years; number aged 90 + will increase by 230%. Better longevity - major implications for councils, but also fantastic success story. Important inequalities in health and wellbeing outcomes, but ageing still represents real opportunity for local government. Enormous contribution made by older people to local economies. We need to: – Plan ahead, nationally and locally; – Work strategically; and – Take coordinated approach with partners / local older citizens.

5 Culture and the Arts Many older people contribute to culture and arts Physical and mental wellbeing benefits of involvement with culture and arts, reducing social isolation and promoting social engagement Challenges for councils, especially given financial circumstances of local government – but some councils leading the way Manchester Cultural Offer for Older People Programme - connecting older people to museums, theatres and art galleries Innovation in Nottingham: creative writing and dance projects, and use of ‘reminiscence boxes’ to explore memories with older people Solihull: Books on Prescription (via local GPs); University of Third Age; Tea Dances; Social Media classes aimed at older people

6 Housing and the Built Environment Importance of design of housing and built environment Need to address the housing needs of an ageing population Urban / Street design: impact on mobility and independence for older people, as major users of public space Older people also make important contribution to creating and maintaining attractive urban environment Newcastle: – Working to ensure local planning process reflects needs of an ageing demographic - promoting healthy, active ageing – Collaborating with local partners from across public, private and voluntary sectors

7 Economic Development Community leadership role of councils Recognise contribution of older people to economic wellbeing: – As workers, and tax payers, and consumers – As active citizens, volunteers, and as carers Positive net contribution of over 65’s to UK economy projected to rise by 2030, to an estimated £77bn. Opportunity for councils to stimulate economic growth – relies on reappraisal of attitudes to ageing, towards a positive narrative. Barnet Council: Supporting older people’s employment and transition to active retirement.

8 In conclusion: Emerging Messages The best councils are: Viewing key areas of responsibility through ‘ageing lens’ – realistic about the financial constraints, but still recognising this as key place shaping opportunity for local government; Understanding the demographics / characteristics of older people in our own towns, cities and neighbourhoods, including local diversity and health inequalities; Celebrating and making the most of huge contribution made by older citizens to communities and local economy.

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