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INTEND YOUR VISION! For Personal Use only. This presentation may not be used or duplicated without written consent from Michael

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1 INTEND YOUR VISION! For Personal Use only. This presentation may not be used or duplicated without written consent from Michael Bogar @ January 2009 Now, Intend Your Vision!

2 Part One is Free The following introduction will start you on the course to finding and intending your vision. If you enjoy this introduction, you can email Michael Bogar at and for $20.00 you can receive the rest of this program.

3 Copyright Michael Bogar 2008

4 Vision and intention work takes place at 3 levels simultaneously: PRIMARY PURPOSE FOR ALL: Grow in Consciousness Make a Soul Solo-making – Personal success Social-making – Relational success Soul-making – Eternal life

5 PRIMARY DESIRE FOR ‘HEAVEN’or SOUL “Creatures are not born with desires unless satisfaction for those desires exists. A baby feels hunger: well, there is such a thing as food. A duckling wants to swim: well, there is such a thing as water. Men feel sexual desire: well, there is such a thing as sex. If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world. If none of my earthly pleasures satisfy it, that does not prove that the universe is a fraud. Probably earthly pleasures were never meant to satisfy it, but only to arouse it, to suggest the real thing.” ~ CS Lewis

6 PRIMARY DESIRE FOR ‘HEAVEN’or SOUL “If that is so, I must take care, on the one hand, never to despise, or be unthankful for, these earthly blessings, and on the other, never to mistake them for the something else of which they are only a kind of copy, or echo, or mirage. I must keep alive in myself the desire for my true country, which I shall not find till after death; I must never let it get snowed under or turned aside; I must make it the main object of life to press on to that other country and to help others to do the same.” ~ CS Lewis

7 That being said, our focus is on personal and relational success. But keep in mind that all that we on this planet is ultimately transmuted into the consciousness we take with us beyond this earthly existence.

8 LET’S EXAMINE YOU CREATING YOUR LIFE Solo-making Social-making Soul-making

9 PERSONAL EXERCISE Create an “I See for Me in 2009 and Beyond” list. Example: I See for Me in 2009 and Beyond Teaching in More Venues (Universities) Writing a Book Closer to My Children Degree in Depth Psychology

10 RENOWNED VISIONARY “From early on I knew what I wanted. My vision was clear. I was going to be the highest paid comedic actor in Hollywood, entertaining millions around the world. I never let this vision evaporate.” ~ Jim Carrey Copyright Michael Bogar 2006 Please obtain permission before using any part of this for a class or presentation.

11 Two Key Components of Vision


13 FOUR WAYS TO IDENTIFY YOUR VISION 1.Listen to Persistent and Prodding Inner Voice. 2.Identify Early Inclinations and Talents. 3.Locate Those Moments of ‘Necessary Destiny’ (including the tragedies). 4.Identify Admirations, Jealousies and Envies.

14 “There is within the heart of every person the law of his/her life.” ~ R.W. Emerson, Journal Each human "...brings with him at birth the ground-plan of his nature." ~ Jung, Collected Works, 4: 728

15 Internal Compulsion Young John Ronald sat in a trench knee deep in water with his little writing pad, making notes about the war and how it would make a compelling story someday. He went on to study language, and created his own alphabet. His imagination was always at work, and soon he created an imaginary world. He wrote an imaginary history of this world and shared it with no one, believing it was of interest only to his self.

16 J.R.R. Tolkien Eventually, much later in life, he wrote some stories based on his lifelong compulsion. His name, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien His stories, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings was the second most read story of the 20 th century behind the Bible.

17 The Internal ‘Geiger Counter’ “…you have something inside that’s just your thing. It’s there and you go toward it. Lance Armstrong has the bike, and it’s like when that bike thing came up, his internal geiger counter went crazy. And mine, when I saw those horror comics and The Creature from the Black Lagoon, that was it for me. I wanted to do that.” ~ Stephen King

18 The Internal ‘Gagger Counter’ Attention Deficit Disorder may actually be a sign of Attention Misdirection Disorder.

19 Kevin Spacey on Call Tells young people to pay attention to the ‘snapshot’ moments in life which stick in the mind and memory, that little voice which whispers or shouts, “This is it.” Readers Digest Interview, March 2003, pg. 138-144, by: Meg Grant, "Hitting His Stride" (Face to Face with Kevin Spacey)

20 FOUR WAYS TO IDENTIFY YOUR VISION 1.Listen to Persistent and Prodding Inner Voice. 2.Identify Early Inclinations and Talents.

21 a.Perseus – Good With Sword b.Joseph’s Dreams and Attending to Others c.Ella Fitzgerald Examples of Early Inclinations and Talents


23 Micael and Calamity Jane

24 1.Listen to Persistent and Prodding Inner Voice. 2.Identify Early Inclinations and Talents. 3.Locate those moments of ‘Necessary Destiny’ (including tragedies). FOUR WAYS TO IDENTIFY YOUR VISION


26 The Archetypal Goddess of Necessity Ananke, the Egyptian Goddess of Necessity, one of the least favorite Gods… Like being drawn along… Angina and Anxiety (Ananke) Greek Daimone

27 This is What or Who Wants Me! Destiny or Necessity involves the bumps, nudges, promptings and chance encounters that often ‘co-incidentally’ move us through life toward our Call. Jung’s Synchronicity… Much easier to see in retrospect…

28 Jack Benny on Success "Everything good that happened to me happened by accident. I was not filled with ambition nor fired by a drive toward a clear-cut goal. I never knew exactly where I was going."

29 a.Perseus – Abuse by Grandfather and Betrayal by King b.Richey and James c.Joseph’s Dysfunctional Family, Accused of Rape and Imprisoned INCLUDES ‘TRAGEDIES’, ‘ABUSE’ AND ‘BETRAYALS’

30 My Critical Nudges and Clues David and Goliath Picture in Family Bible My Only Two Times in Church Compelled to Read Genesis… Compelled to Read Gospel of Matthew…

31 DESTINY OR CHANCE? “ I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floatin' around accidental-like on a breeze. But I, I think maybe it's both, maybe both happening at the same time.”

32 WHAT IS YOUR NECESSITY? "My work is not only a pleasure, it has become a necessity. No matter how many other things I have in my life, if I cannot give myself to my dear painting I am miserable." ~ William Bouguereau Le-Ravissement-de-Psyche

33 1.Listen to Persistent and Prodding Inner Voice. 2.Identify Early Inclinations and Talents. 3.Locate those moments of ‘Necessary Destiny’ (including tragedies). 4.Identify admirations, jealousies and envies. FOUR WAYS TO IDENTIFY YOUR VISION

34 People we admire or envy often symbolize our unidentified vocation, or a clue to it. “Psychological healing is always found in the symptoms.” Freud USEFUL ‘NEGATIVE’ EMOTIONS

35 How would you finish these sentences? 1.I wish I could get paid a lot of money for doing… 2.The person's life I most admire is… 3.I have often felt a call or compulsion to… 4.During my free time I usually… VISION QUIZ

36 PERSONAL EXERCISES 1.Take some time to sit and reflect on childhood incidents that may help you identify your vision. a.Activities you loved to perform. b.Comments made by teachers, peers, family or others that you recall as feeling true.

37 SUMMARY: FOUR WAYS TO IDENTIFY YOUR VISION 1.Listen to Persistent and Prodding Inner Voice. 2.Identify Early Inclinations and Talents. 3.Locate Those Moments of ‘Necessary Destiny’ (including the tragedies). 4.Identify Admirations, Jealousies and Envies. Copyright Michael Bogar 2008

38 KEY: Abide in The Source and Your Personal Source-Vocation "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a person remains in me and I in him, he/she will bear much fruit; apart from me (Vocational Self) you can do nothing. If you remain in me and my words (Logos - Purpose) remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciple ~ Gospel of John, 15

39 Vision/Call May Be Specific or Vague  Your Call May Be Specific Mic’ael and Calamity Jane  Most Calls Are Vague Carise from young age knew she wanted to have a family and baby. Jason knew he wanted to do something active and exciting.



42 Uniquely Human Endeavor Peter Berger, Sacred Canopy – Humans are compelled toward meaning, but must create it in a vast chaotic world of possibilities. Jonas Salk, Man Unfolding – Humans come curiously ‘un- imprinted’. Joseph Campbell Precocial - Duck

43 Uniquely Human Endeavor Peter Berger, Sacred Canopy – Humans are compelled toward meaning, but must create it in a vast chaotic world of possibilities. Jonas Salk, Man Unfolding – Humans come curiously ‘un-imprinted’. Joseph Campbell Precocial - Duck Altacocial – Leopard

44 Uniquely Human Endeavor Peter Berger, Sacred Canopy – Humans are compelled toward meaning, but must create it in a vast chaotic world of possibilities. Jonas Salk, Man Unfolding – Humans come curiously ‘un- imprinted’. Joseph Campbell Precocial - Duck Altacocial – Leopard Postcocial - Human

45 “I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific.” ~ Lily Tomlin BE SPECIFIC

46 You Must Create Your Purpose Etymology of purpose. Pur = Forward Pose = Position (post)

47 “Living From the End”

48 Gates Forward Position (Purpose) I can see a computer on every desk!

49 IMPRINTING ACTION This means that we must not only identify our unique Call/Vision… But we must consciously construct a specific application in order to quantify that Vision. Writing it out and focusing on it (im-printing) is a very effective way to do this.

50 SUMMARY 1.Listen to Your Inner Call 2.Recognize Where ‘Life’ Has Been Moving You 3.Craft a Specific Purpose

51 For More, Please Contact Michael The remainder of this course is available on power point by sending an email to Michael Bogar: and requesting Part Two of HOW TO CREATE AND INTEND YOUR VISION You will find out how to write a single sentence vision statement, and how to practice four kinds of intention work to plant your vision into your unconscious mind.

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