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. Presentation Frans Ørsted Andersen Skoleforskning/ DPU / Aarhus Univeristet.

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1 . Presentation Frans Ørsted Andersen Skoleforskning/ DPU / Aarhus Univeristet

2 Content 1. Introduction to the TA field 2.Publications and reports 3.Finnish TA practice and experience 4.Evaluation of the Danish TA experiments 5. Theoretical and practical approaches 6. Discussion 21-03-2015Frans Ørsted Andersen.TA evaluation 2

3 Publications 1. Danish websites: og www.læ with evaluation www.læ 2. Andersen, FØ & Højfeldt, G.: Undervisningsassistenter. Hvad? Hvorfor? Hvem? Hvordan.? Hans Reitzel, 2012 3. Alborz et al. (2009). The impact of adult support staff on pupils London: Social Science Research Unit. 4. Andersen, F.Ø. (2010). Danish and Finnish PISA results in a comparative, qualitative perspective. In Educational Assessment and Evaluation, 22, 159-175. Springer Science 5. Saloviita, T. & Takala, M. (2010). Frequency of co- teaching in different teacher categories. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 25, 4, 389-396. Routledge Group. 21-03-2015 Frans Ørsted Andersen.TA evaluation 3

4 Why TA’s? 21-03-2015Frans Ørsted Andersen.TA evaluation 4  Teacher work is seen as increasingly complicated and demandig due to e.g.:  More regulation and evaluation from public authorities and parents  Growing use of and demnad for digital AV / IT teaching technology  More demands for inclusion of pupils with learning difficulties  Growing number of pupils with an immigrant background

5 The new Danish and Norwegian TA arrangements inspired by the Finnish experience  The use of TA’s in Finland can be seen as a part of the ”Finnish Miracle of Education”.  The Finnish TA is by definition a flexible and practical assistant that teachers increasingly rely on in an ever growing amount of tasks. 21-03-2015Frans Ørsted Andersen.TA evaluation 5

6 In Finland: Practical assistance in the classroom  Pracitical assistance with:  … setting up smart boards, tablets, pc’s etc  … solving conflicts in the classroom  … substitute teaching  ….handling breaks and excoursions  …. Homework cafes  ….. Speciale needs education  seems to be more and more necessary for teachers 21-03-2015Frans Ørsted Andersen.TA evaluation 6

7 Official evalutionl of two year 2010-12 Danish TA experiemnt conducted by Rambøll Management, University of Aarhus and VIA University College on behalf of Danish Ministry of Education. 21-03-2015Frans Ørsted Andersen.TA evaluation 7

8 The Danish two year experiment and its evaluation  All participating 25 municipalities and their approx 100 schools evaluated  Surveys to all participating teachers and principals  LRS and WBRS to all participating pupils  Case studies with interviews at 5 municipalites. 21-03-2015Frans Ørsted Andersen.TA evaluation 8

9 Results of the evaluation 21-03-2015Frans Ørsted Andersen.TA evaluation 9  Overall results of two years of evaluation in 25 Danish municipalities and around 100 Danishs schools: surprisingly positive in spite of massive resistance from DLF (Danish teachers’ Union)  Both school leaders, teachers, TA’s, pupils, parents and consultants are overwhelmingly positive  Clear positive effects on pupils’ well being and learning, both speciale needs pupil and ”normal” kids.  Clear positive effects on teacher well being and feeling of professional competence

10 Full evaluation report  To be found at, Danish Ministry of Education (Ministeriet for børn og undervisning) 21-03-2015Frans Ørsted Andersen.TA evaluation 10

11 Three types of (Danish) Ta’s  1. Teacher Training College students who prolong their studies with one or more years.  2. Pedagogues (infant and preschool staff)  3. Un-skilled staff (”club workers”).  Evaluation show now significant differences between teachers’ perception of the three types. Judgement of TA’s depend on TA personal profile,not on formal background. 21-03-2015Frans Ørsted Andersen.TA evaluation 11

12 Official theoretical approaches  TA’s seen as a way of mediating teachers’ teaching to pupils’ leanring through personal contact and relations.  Mediated learning: Vygotsky, Hundeide, Tzuriel.  ”From Dianostical Practice to Identification of Ressources”  21-03-2015Frans Ørsted Andersen.TA evaluation 12

13 Examples of practice: Odense  TA’s genally used in:  Large and difficult classes  Periods with cross- curricular projects  science education (”Natur og teknik”)  In art classes  Excoursios and breaks 21-03-2015Frans Ørsted Andersen.TA evaluation 13

14 Example of TA work schedule: NB almost full 37 hours at school /with pupils 21-03-2015Frans Ørsted Andersen.TA evaluation 14

15 Discussion  What are the negative sides to using TA’s?  How should the paradox of overwhelming support for TA-use by teachers who actually are involved and heavy resistance from Teachers’ Unions be seen?  Can the use of TA’s be seen as a way of cutting public spending on schools? 21-03-2015Frans Ørsted Andersen.TA evaluation 15

16 What now?  Negotiations right now in Danish Parliament about new school legislation. The TA arrangement may move from ”experiment” to ”permanent”. 21-03-2015Frans Ørsted Andersen.TA evaluation 16

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