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EDUCATION Department of International Environment and Development Studies, Noragric.

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1 EDUCATION Department of International Environment and Development Studies, Noragric


3 NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES 3 Study Programmes  Bachelor –International Environment and Development Studies  Master –International Development Studies –International Environmental Studies –International Relations  PhD –Environment and Development Studies 3 Dept of International Environment and Development Studies, Noragric

4 NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES 4 Overarching Goals of Study Programmes  Understand development under different social and natural conditions  Understand environmental challenges and solutions at local, national and global levels  Understand impacts of international relations on peace, conflicts, environment and development 4 Dept of International Environment and Development Studies, Noragric

5 NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Academic Identity: B-IEDS 3 years  Bachelor in International Environment and Development Studies(B-IEDS)  The first fully english bachelor programme in Norway i.e. currently 1 of 6 (the other 5 are in scenography, acting, biology, shipping management, and nordic perspectives in the arts.  Multidisciplinary covering both natural science and social science DETTE ER TITTELEN PÅ PRESENTASJONEN 5

6 NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Academic Identity: M-IR 2 years  Master in International Relations (M-IR)  The master program is international in three ways. The curriculum covers topics that are relevant globally, and where students come from all parts of the world. It also explores theoretical approaches to how the world functions at a global scale. DETTE ER TITTELEN PÅ PRESENTASJONEN 6

7 NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Academic Identity M-IES 2 years  The programme gives in-depth understanding of the interactions between social and natural processes through which global environmental change takes place, and how governance structures and power relations influence current trends.  Students learn about causes and effects of global environmental problems such as climate change, loss of biodiversity, desertification, water availability and land degradation.  15-credit course and 15-credit field course in 3rd semester at Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania or Institute of Development Studies, Jaipur, India. DETTE ER TITTELEN PÅ PRESENTASJONEN 7

8 NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Academic Identity: M-DS 2 years Master in Development Studies (M-DS)  Students learn about the conditions for human development at the local and global levels, as well as the relationships between social and ecological processes. Following graduation students are able to:  Understand and analyse policy issues related to poverty, human development, wealth creation, social justice, equality and environmental protection  Formulate and critically assess development policies and project interventions  Undertake studies that link theory to methods and practical applications DETTE ER TITTELEN PÅ PRESENTASJONEN 8

9 NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Uniqueness  All study programmes based on interdisciplinary approach, linking social and natural sciences  Study programmes linked to research, which is carried out with academic partners globally  All study programmes based on interdisciplinary approach, linking social and natural sciences -International environment  UMB has the largest international student body of all universities in Norway and Noragric is the most international department at UMB  Study programmes linked to research, which is carried out with academic partners globally  Field work and courses in developing countries  Many masters thesis linked to projects carried out with partners in developing countries DETTE ER TITTELEN PÅ PRESENTASJONEN 9

10 NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Study Abroad  Field-courses for both bachelor and master students  Semester abroad  Exchange DETTE ER TITTELEN PÅ PRESENTASJONEN 10

11 NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Central Partners in the South  COMSATS in Pakistan  Sokoine Agriculture University, Tanzania  University of Dar es Salam, Tanzania  Seva Mandir and IDS in India  EARTH University in Costa Rica DETTE ER TITTELEN PÅ PRESENTASJONEN 11

12 NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Field Courses  Master field-courses:  SUA in Tanzania  IDS – Jaipur in India  Bachelor Fieldcourses:  SUA in Tanzania DETTE ER TITTELEN PÅ PRESENTASJONEN 12

13 NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Exchange  All students doing a degree at a Norwegian university have the possibility to study one or two semesters abroad.  UMB has more than 90 exchange agreements worldwide  Some examples of where Noragric students have gone include: Costa Rica, Brazil, Tanzania, New Zealand, Australia, USA, Canada, England and Belgium. DETTE ER TITTELEN PÅ PRESENTASJONEN 13

14 NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Master Exchange  Students at M-IR are encouraged to either do an internship or exchange in their third semester.  Noragric has made several agreements with collaborating institutions and Universities (ex. University of Aberystwyth), to give the students the most relevant possibilities.  M-DS and M-IES can also, alternatively, go for an exchange in their third semester. This should be in connection to data collection for their thesis. DETTE ER TITTELEN PÅ PRESENTASJONEN 14

15 NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Semester Abroad  For the Baachelor programme we offer one semster in India.  EDS272 - Development Challenges in Rural India  Collaboration with Seva Mandir, an NGO in Udaipur  An integration of theoretical inputs and practical work in villages of rural Rajasthan in Western India. DETTE ER TITTELEN PÅ PRESENTASJONEN 15

16 NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES 16 Exchange Programmes with Foreign Universities In addition, the University has agreements with 90 universitites around the world 16 Dept of International Environment and Development Studies, Noragric

17 NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Number of applicants (2011)  B-IEDS = 560 international applications  M-DS = 812 applications in total  M-IES = 561 applications in total  M-IR = 671 applications in total  Total number of applications to Noragric = 2662 DETTE ER TITTELEN PÅ PRESENTASJONEN 17

18 NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES 18 Number of Student Places 18 Bachelor-IEDS:40 Master-IDS: 30 Master-IES: 30 Master-IR:30 Total number of students: 400 Dept of International Environment and Development Studies, Noragric

19 NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES 19 Nationality of Students Nearly 40 nations are represented 19 Dept of International Environment and Development Studies, Noragric


21 NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Interested? Contact the Study Coordinators at the Department of International Environment and Development Studies, Noragric P.O. Box 5003 NO-1432 Aas Norway Nice photo of Ingunn! Josie Teurlings, Nicole Rezende,Ingunn Bohmann, PhD programmeBachelor programmeMaster programmes DETTE ER TITTELEN PÅ PRESENTASJONEN 21

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