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Reforming the Police New leadership for the 21st century.

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Presentation on theme: "Reforming the Police New leadership for the 21st century."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reforming the Police New leadership for the 21st century

2 What makes a good police officer?

3 John Vine essay Explain why the police have had to reform in recent years. Describe the new management philosophy of the police service. Formulate an opinion on the validity of performance data in policing.

4 Bingo- The language of the new police Customer Market

5 New Public Management (NPM) the pursuit of effective missions, goals and objectives (Bryson 1995)

6 When fish start to rot, they rot from the head… most senior officers are technically competent [but] they tend to lack officer- like qualities. The Guardian (1990) police bashing is no longer the preserve of the loony left The Economist (1992)

7 Public and Political Pressure What does a good result look like in policing? Can you measure it? What gets measured gets done… What cant be measured doesnt get done. (Fitzgerald and Hough 2002) we know best Who is the customer?

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