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AP Environmental Science (APES)

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Presentation on theme: "AP Environmental Science (APES)"— Presentation transcript:

1 AP Environmental Science (APES)

2 Major Themes Science as a process Energy conversions
Earth as a connected System Humans altering natural systems Environmental problems have social & cultural components Human survival depends on developing SUSTAINABLE PRACTICES

3 Major Topic Areas Earth Systems & Resources (10-15)
The Living World (10-15) Population (10-15) Land & Water Use (10-15) Energy Resources & Consumption (10-15) Pollution (25-30) Global Change (10-15)

4 How do I get college credit?
Depending on the college: Can earn 3 credits for earning a 3, 4, 5 Make sure to keep as evidence: My syllabus Lab Notebook All work you have done for class

5 Ultimate Goal

6 Unfortunately… Global Pass Rate…
50% You MUST study!!! I cannot study for you or take the exam for you. YOU must learn the material!

7 So… Don’t be this Guy!!!

8 AP Environment Science Exam

9 AP Exam 3 Hour Exam broken into two sections: Calculators NOT ALLOWED
Multiple Choice Free Response Questions Calculators NOT ALLOWED Never leave anything blank NOT Penalized for Guessing No one has ever earned a 100% Just use your head and do your best!

10 Multiple Choice 100 Questions 90 Minutes Constitutes 60% of your Score

11 Types of M.C. Questions NO – All of the Above / None of the Above
NO – Negative Stem “Which of the following is NOT”… Some Math Questions Some Roman Numeral a)I, b) II, c) III, d) I & II, e) I & III Some “Best Possible Answer” All answers correct, must pick best answer based on question

12 Free Response Questions (FRQ’s)
90 minutes ~20 minutes / question No Reading Time – start as soon as you get it Constitutes 40% of your Score

13 Types of FRQ’s 2 Synthesis & Evaluation 1 Data Based 1 Document Based
Covering any topic from textbook, often covers many topics in 1 question 1 Data Based Math Problem – must show all work & units Credit is earned for set-ups AND solutions 1 Document Based Data Analysis –or- Experimental Design/Analysis

14 Advice for FRQ’s – Quality over Quantity
Be concise and to the point Read and answer questions specifically Must be legible & sentence format Bullets / Symbols = ZERO Drawings ok if accompanied by explanation This isn’t English class! Don’t waste time trying to do 5 paragraph essay

15 Advice for FRQ’s – K.I.S.S. (Keep is Simple)
Better to be SAFE than SORRY!!! Don’t try to be impressive/smart unless you are TOTALLY SURE!!! Ex: Provide an example of an endangered species California Condor / Whooping Crane / African Elephant = OK Panda = ZERO (Giant Panda is correct answer) Ex: Provide an example of an indicator species Trout = ZERO Brook Trout is correct

16 Advice for MATH FRQ’s MUST SHOW ALL WORK MUST include Units
Use Dimensional Analysis MUST include Units Scientific Notation May Involve Graphing Label Axes / Even Increments / Best Fit Line / Use Exam Book as Straight Edge to Analyze You CANNOT earn a 5 without being able to do the Math!!!!!

17 APES BUZZ WORDS The 3 E’s Economic - $$$
Ecological – ecosystems w/o human influence Environmental – human impact on ecosystems

18 APES BUZZ WORDS The Many R’s Reduce – Remediate – Reclamation –
To use / do less of Remediate – Removal of POLLUTION or contaminants from soil, water, etc Reclamation – Return disturbed lands to an improved state (mining) Reconciliation – Making human areas more habitable for other species Restoration Returning a degraded ecosystem a as similar as possible to it’s natural state Rehabilitation – Turning a degraded ecosystem into a functional ecosystem (not necessarily original condition)

19 Grading FRQ’s Graded using rubrics Followed VERY specifically
If question asks for two examples, must take first two given (even if others after are correct) Ex: If asked for two abiotic factors, must grade ONLY first two answers given Grader assumes you know nothing, so write it as if they know nothing

20 Words to AVOID Good (positive) / Bad (negative) Ideal / Not Ideal
Ex: “bad for the environment” bad how??? Be specific!!! Ideal / Not Ideal Pollution Ex: air pollution what specific contaminants or damage? Large / Small Compared to what???

21 Don’t Give Up!!! Don’t ever give up on a question!!!
There’s a point in there for you somewhere!!!

22 Remember to eat a good breakfast!!!

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