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Practicing and sustaining the revolution Leonie de Goei Aad Blok.

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Presentation on theme: "Practicing and sustaining the revolution Leonie de Goei Aad Blok."— Presentation transcript:

1 Practicing and sustaining the revolution Leonie de Goei Aad Blok

2 ‘ Happily the best interest of scholarly society publishers is the best interest of the scholars themselves, namely as rapid a transition to open access as possible. So scholarly societies should be doing what they can to speed that transition…’ Stuart Shieber January 2013

3 Why and how did we manage to be so advanced?

4 Who are we? Royal Netherlands Historical Society

5 1. Why did we opt for a transition to open access? 2. How did we manage to actually make the transition to a full-blown OA journal? 3. Are there lessons to be learnt from our case for other journals? 4. Where do we stand now, after almost two years of OA, and where are we heading?

6 Why did we opt for a transition to open access? 1. pragmatics 2. ideology

7 How did we manage to actually make the transition to a full blown OA journal? 1.favorable financial position 2.full support of key figures 3.society owns the journal 4.partnership with Igitur

8 Are there lessons to be learnt from our case for other journals? 1.Ideology AND financial incentives are needed 2.Someone who ignites the fire AND genuine support of key figures 3.Not being dependent on revenues from membership fees only helps a lot 4.So does ownership, freedom of action and feeling of shared responsibility among all involved 5.A partnership with an academic library service is sensible and preferable because their core business is ongoing access and long-term archiving, and they share the same public purpose as a not-for-profit society

9 Where do we stand now, and where are we heading?

10 Facts and figures 2012-2014 Period Visitors website BMGN July 2012 - July 2013 July 2013 - July 2014 23.150 32.156 An increase of 42% compared to the preceeding period Two thirds are new, one third recurring visitors

11 Indexing Indexing 2012Indexing 2014 Arts and Humanities Citation Index Current Contents/Arts and Humanities Social Sciences Citation Index Current Contents /Social and Behavioral Sciences Historical Abstracts (until 2010) Scopus Arts and Humanities Citation Index Current Contents/Arts and Humanities Social Sciences Citation Index Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences Historical Abstracts with full text Scopus BASE search, Bielefeld Academic Search Engine Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS) Google Scholar H-Soz-u-Kult JournalTOCs OAister Ebsco Host Electronic Journals service Ulrich's Periodicals Directory Worldcat (free access in your library)

12 Google H5 Index


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