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Conversion owl to SKOS and Further development of WB V.2 Prepared by - Ahsan, Armando, Sachit and Prashanta.

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Presentation on theme: "Conversion owl to SKOS and Further development of WB V.2 Prepared by - Ahsan, Armando, Sachit and Prashanta."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conversion owl to SKOS and Further development of WB V.2 Prepared by - Ahsan, Armando, Sachit and Prashanta

2 Discussion of Tom provided Pseudocodes Export functionalities from WB Webservices and Link data Action Plan Tentative time frame for WB V.2 MIMOS participation Outline

3 Discussion of Tom provided Pseudocodes -Proposed pseudo code is ok - We agreed on SKOS API which will be implemented in Java technology (by using Protégé DB for input and SKOS API for output) so that it can be extended in future and also use it as generic purpose. - URIs of XLabels are generated from Agrovoc Termcodes - Random URIs will be generated for adding new concepts/terms, as usual - Polysemyc labels: we all agreed on using straightforward SKOS aproach: each different meaning of a same linguistic expression will have separate XLabels

4 Export functionalities from WB - Export format available: SKOS and SQL - User can choose the particular concept and export the information about that concept. - Allows export of 1. complete model (online it is impractical) 2. selected concept (useful for web services and linked data) 3. selected concept with its children (undergoing) - SKOS output is the hard coded outputted string of SKOS vocabularies (without any use of standard APIs). - SKOS-XL can also be provided as output export using the same above mechanism

5 Webservices -- Web Services are generated from Protégé DB and Administrative DB. - Output format is SKOS and Text. - These Web Services are hard coded outputted string of SKOS/SKOS-XL vocabularies (without any use of standard APIs). - SKOS standards, 2005

6 Action Plan SKOS API - To generate SKOS API from Tom Pseudocodes with wrapper so that Sesame, Allograph and other technologies can be integrated. - Sesame will be used for small portion of Agrovoc during initial development (faster development) - Allegrograph will be put in place silently at almost no integration effort (and totally no changes in the client code) for releasing the final v2.0 - Armando will send a small guideline of owlART (including maven database information) for learning and testing purpose of future SKOS API -SKOS API will be gradually integrated with WB in a modular way which will differentiate of data layer and application layer.

7 Web Services and Linkdata - SKOS-XL will be integrated in the current WS for testing purpose by using current string based codes. Armando and Ahsan will provide WS specifications and examples to developers. - Old codes of WS will be thrown out after owl to SKOS conversion. - Need to redirect of URI from Aims to MIMOS server. Ahsan and Valeria will work on this issue.

8 Tentative time frame for WB V.2 TaskStarting date Ending dateResources Pseudocodes and comments15-06-201030-06-2010 Tom SKOS API Development, Allegrograph Implementation, unit testing for both Already started in may Almost completed (completed but waiting feedback from Franz for a couple of Allegrograph 4.0 bugs, already acknowledged through mailing with them) Armando Conversion routine from AGROVOC- OWL to SKOS 20-06-201020-07-2010Armando, Sachit, and Ahsan Integration of SKOS API into WB, further testing of SKOS API in the new environment 20-07-2010 30-12-2010 Sachit and Prashanta - Armando will look after the bugs Webservices22-06-201015-07-2010Sachit, Prashanta, Armando, Ahsan

9 MIMOS Participations - Tools for graphical presentation and exploration( check with MIMOS which figures are most appropriate) - Mapping access -Queries and graph access

10 Existing Architecture of Agrovoc WB Agrovoc WB MySQL Existing architecture of Agrovoc combine presentation layer, business logic layer and data access layer into one web application. Browser Knowledge Base Presentation Layer Business Logic Data access layer

11 Web Service Proposed Agrovoc WB V2.0 Architecture Agrovoc WB Allegro Graph Proposed architecture of Agrovoc will be develop upon SOA architecture. Business Logic layer and Data access layer will be extract out from Agrovoc WB and become a standalone web service. This provide loosely couple within presentation layer to other layer. Ease of Scalability. Diagram below is a high level of architecture of proposed Agrovoc WB v2.0 Browser Knowledge Base Presentation Layer Business Logic Data access layer Web Service Data Access layer

12 Agrovoc WB v2.0 Delegator Lookup Authenticate Business Logic Data Access Layer (KBI) Allegro Graph Knowledge Base................ Browser Proposed Agrovoc WB V2.0 Architecture

13 Multi Modal Semantic Browser

14 Visual Semantic Query

15 Semantic Query Interface

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