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2014 Inter-Parliamentary Hearing on Exemplary Forest Policies in Africa Reflection from Youth Group Participants Caroline Kosilei [YVE Kenya] Issa Isihaka.

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Presentation on theme: "2014 Inter-Parliamentary Hearing on Exemplary Forest Policies in Africa Reflection from Youth Group Participants Caroline Kosilei [YVE Kenya] Issa Isihaka."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014 Inter-Parliamentary Hearing on Exemplary Forest Policies in Africa Reflection from Youth Group Participants Caroline Kosilei [YVE Kenya] Issa Isihaka [ESAYCCA, Tanzania] Carol Mungo [YVE Kenya] Dorothy Tembo [CEPA, Malawi] Chris Ouma [KYF, Kenya]

2 “Certain desires seem universal – young men and women everywhere want to be SAFE, educated and respected” Conservation [Forest/Environment] Human Security [Secure Future]

3 Young People Agriculture [attractive] Conservation Human Security Number [Bulge] Energy [Skills] Strong policies & political goodwill Rationale

4 As young people,..not just to plant trees …but to grow with the trees [for a better future]

5 What can we do as young people?  Identification and creation of database for youth environmental groups & networks etc. (work in process) for wider inputs on policies.  Information dissemination - act as communication link to other young people/community to disseminate information gathered especially exemplary policies within the region.  Program integration and Implementation - we commit to ‘translate’ the comprehensive policies in a more youth-friendly manner by tapping various talents [amongst young people] to further spread the information.  Advocacy and activism  Innovation and research - use innovation centers to encourage more young people to sustainably engage in forest management

6 How can we be accountable?  Mobilization and Organization  By keeping up the online discussion on forest policies #forestsforpeople, whereby we can keep the information/share what is happening within the region.  By reaching out to well known and respected media personalities that will continue to tap young people into integrated forest management issues & influence policies.  By identifying young environmental professionals/experts and create implementation models of these policies on the ground/community level.

7 What is our ASK to the delegates?  Intense and comprehensive trainings/capacity building among youths  Organize exchange programs for young people among countries with exemplary policies (i.e. Rwanda)  Create more opportunities for the youth in implementation of these policies, think of young people as a key stakeholder.  Let organized youth be custodians of these forest resources by acting as sustainability watch groups  Offer technical/financial/emotional support to young people in their initiatives.

8 What is our ASK to the delegates?  Creating policies that promote values [BCC] – ensure that conservation is integrated into community and national programs especially economic empowerment [placing emphasis on economic benefits of forests]  Making visions of our policies have vision to foster a generation of environmentally conscious citizens, capable of positive action.  Create policies to support education [e.g. on climate change] for sustainable development – this should include curriculum development  Policies to ensure inceptives to innovative ideas [generated by young people] in enhancing conservation

9 “Society is defined not by what it CREATES, but what it refuses to DESTROY”

10 Thank You

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