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Deer hunt 08 in KY 3 rd buck/ deer I have shot in my 7 years of deer hunting. The largest deer I have ever seen in the wild! And now its on my wall! ha-ha.

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Presentation on theme: "Deer hunt 08 in KY 3 rd buck/ deer I have shot in my 7 years of deer hunting. The largest deer I have ever seen in the wild! And now its on my wall! ha-ha."— Presentation transcript:


2 Deer hunt 08 in KY 3 rd buck/ deer I have shot in my 7 years of deer hunting. The largest deer I have ever seen in the wild! And now its on my wall! ha-ha

3 Story of the kill Me and my dad normally hunt together but we decided to split up this time. I was leaving from my stand coming back to his and I reached the corner of the fence line. I saw whitetails flair up everywhere (no pun intended). With my Remington 870 12 gauge in hand I waited for a sign of return. Then I saw massive horns emerge from the thicket. He saw me. He took off and I stayed put. I waited hearing rustling of leaves in the woods. I set my gun to lay a rest on the fence. Once again the monster returned but there were to many thick briars in the way to get a clear shot. Another stare down then he disappeared. I decided to move to the clearing 7 feet to my right thinking that he would probably not return. More rustling of the leaves and I whipped out the grunt call and gave out 2 steady grunts. Put the grunt away and set up my gun. The horns emerged once again and this time I had him in my iron sights! BANG, he went down and I jumped up and down like a school boy on the last day till summer began!

4 This deer had 9 points with about a 15 inch spread and a crab claw on the left main beam!



7 Just some more pictures!


9 Im sorry that most of these pictures were the same. I will be getting a video camera for my birthday so I will hopefully get some footage! My birthday is on Nov. 10th

10 Thanks for watching, subscribe and keep hunting for that big one!

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