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Figurative Language Quiz

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1 Figurative Language Quiz
Answer True or False for each question. "The darkness is all around us." is an example of a metaphor. Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words. Imagery is the term given to a comparison beginning with "like" or "as".

2 Figurative Language Quiz
Answer True or False for each question. Personification is when you make a strong exaggeration. An example of a simile is: "The boys dove on the ball like angry dogs snarling for a bone.“ A figure of speech is known as an idiom.

3 Figurative Language Quiz
Answer True or False for each question. Creeping silently up the hill the sentry failed to spot the enemy. The "s" sound in this sentence is an example of a metaphor. Personification is the name given to the term which describes giving non-living entities the qualities of a living thing.

4 Figurative Language Quiz
Answer True or False for each question. An example of alliteration is: "Silently, softly the swans swam on the lake.“ Connotation is an important aspect of poetry because it combines the dictionary meaning of a word with the experience of the poet and the experience of the reader.

5 Figurative Language Quiz
11. The sign read, "Mr. Franco’s Fantastic, Fabulous Fourth Graders"! This is an example of _______________. hyperbole personification alliteration idiom onomatopeoia

6 Figurative Language Quiz
12. This is the giving of human qualities to non-human things. This is an example of _______________. hyperbole personification alliteration idiom onomatopeoia

7 Figurative Language Quiz
13. Snap, crackle, and pop are examples of this. hyperbole personification alliteration idiom onomatopeoia

8 Figurative Language Quiz
***There are 2 possible answers for this question.*** 14. Before the movie began, I told the student to "hit the lights". This is an example of a ________________. hyperbole personification alliteration idiom onomatopeoia

9 Figurative Language Quiz
15. I was so embarrassed that I wanted to die is an example of a .________________. hyperbole personification alliteration idiom onomatopeoia

10 Figurative Language Quiz
Answer True or False for each question. Imagery is the term given to the whole way in which the poet conveys the images he is creating to his or her reader. A metaphor is a comparison where we say that one thing IS something else.

11 Figurative Language Quiz
Answer True or False for each question. 18. "The fog was a ghost" is an example of a metaphor. 19. "He is as strong as an ox" is an example of a simile. 20. “Her hair is as shiny as ebony" is an example of a metaphor.

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