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D E V E L O P M E N T O F I N T E R N A T I O N A L R E L A T I O N S S T U D I E S ( I R : A C A D E M I C S U B J E C T )

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1 D E V E L O P M E N T O F I N T E R N A T I O N A L R E L A T I O N S S T U D I E S ( I R : A C A D E M I C S U B J E C T )

2 Two Perspectives The development of sciences KARL POPPER THOMAS KHUN

3 Karl Popper : Sciences developed through the test of falsification/criticism of error. Natural selection/survival by the fittest. The false theory (that couldnt explain the fact) would not develop and unapplicable. Analogy with the development of GIRAPH

4 Thomas Kuhn: Development of sciencie as follows : Research begun from Random researh Results: Many findings/facts. Many perspectives (aliran pemikiran). Only one dominant perspective The main perspective : Paradigm (Establish Paradigm) –normal science Anomaly New Paradigm

5 Paradigma : Aliran pemikiran yang memiliki kesamaan asumsi dasar tentang suatu bidang studi termasuk kesepakatan tenatng kerangka konseptual, metode penelitian dan tehnik analisis

6 PARADIGM IN THE STUDY OF IR 1. Idealist. 2. Realist. 3. Behavioralist. 4. Tradisionalist Open the pink book please

7 IDEALIST/Liberal Utopian Consist the beginer (first generation) scientists of IRs Begun by the beliefness that Man is good, peace lover & Managable. Relations among them are managalbe IRs = a group of states. States is a group of people (man) thet is managable, then IRs are managable War is a part of relations, war can be managed, war can be eliminated or at least can be diminish. HOW??? Disarmament! Int Law and Intl Organisation (UN) Wodrow Wilson dll.

8 R E A L I S M Begun in 1930s Criticized that Idealist was normative and moralist. (In fact) Man is evil, bad, aggressive & unmanaged Homo Hommini lupus (Thomas Hobbes) IRs =struggle for power The cause of war : weakness state. Solution : maximize power How could stop the war ? :Balance of power. Morgenthau etc.



11 TRADITONALISM In the beginning development of SoIRs, scientists mostly used The Qualitative Method. They believed that every single social fact is very unique/special. (difficult to make generalization). Those facts (data) mostly secret and only one who having certain capacity to uncover data, i.e. officials, former officials or any one that has experiences in conducting diplomatic relationships such as president, foreign minister or diplomats The result was : SoIRs developed very slowly

12 BEHAVIORALISM In the 1950 Revolution of Behavioralism (RoB) (RoB) The application of exact method (Quantitative) to analyze social phenomena and develop social sciences. Why Quantitative method? It was invited and inspired Social Scientists to apply the method. (exact method) IS IT POSSIBLE ?????? They believed that there are a pattern of social (and IRs) phenomena. (repeatedly). There is a possibility Voting behavior


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