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Let’s Go Shopping… Sales, Discounts and Tax

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1 Let’s Go Shopping… Sales, Discounts and Tax
Word Problems…getting ready for the holiday season

2 Do you know how to shop?? This lesson will help prepare you to find the best deals! You will learn how to know how much money you will save from discounts, and how much you have to pay with the 5% Hawaii State Tax (added to all purchases). Let’s get started…

3 You want to buy Dad a tool kit!
The regular price of a tool kit is $ If the tool kit is marked 15% off, what is the sales price? Add the 5% Hawaii State tax for the total.

4 4 Steps… Step 1: Find the discount. 15% of 39.99 .15 x 39.99
= (round to nearest cent) = 6.00 Discount is $6.00… this is the amount you save 

5 Step 2: Subtract discount from regular price to find the sales price.
$39.99 $ is the sales price The sales price is $33.99… This is the amount you pay (before you pay state tax)

6 Step 3: Find the sales tax
Hawaii State tax is about 5% of the sales price. 5% of the sales price 5 % of $33.99 .05 x = (round to the penny) = $1.70 The tax is $1.70

7 Step 4: Add Tax to the Sale Price
$ $1.70 = $35.69 The total price you pay, with tax, is $35.69.

8 The receipt looks like this…
Original Price _$39.99___ -15%Discount __$6.00___ = Sale Price $33.99 + 5% tax ___$1.70 Total Price ____ $35.69

9 Now you practice… The original (which also means regular) price of a Prada purse was $ It was on sale for 40% off. What is the total price including 5% tax? Original Price _________ - ___% Discount __________ Sale Price ___________ + 5% tax _____________ Total Price ____________

10 Exit Question: What is the sale price of a shirt that normally sells for $70 if the shirt is 35% off the regular price. Add 5% sales tax. Create a receipt. Original Price _________ - Discount __________ Sale Price ___________ + 5% tax _____________ Total Price ____________

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