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Think you have the moves, Take Part! Think You Rather Stay In Bed, Sponsor!

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Presentation on theme: "Think you have the moves, Take Part! Think You Rather Stay In Bed, Sponsor!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Think you have the moves, Take Part! Think You Rather Stay In Bed, Sponsor!

2 When You Dance, Or Sponsor. All The Money Will Be Going To A Charity Of Your Choice. These charities are:

3 The NSPCC works to stop cruelty to children. They also work with ChildLine, a 24-hour, free and confidential helpline for children. Children In Need is a British charity appeal organised every year by the BBC. Breast Cancer Care believe that everyone whose lives have been affected by breast cancer will receive the highest standards of care, support and treatment.

4 The British Heart Foundation funds research into heart disease and provides education and life-saving equipment for sufferers. Oxfam works towards putting an end to poverty. They believe that poverty is not inevitable; it is an injustice; it can be tackled.

5 Please Help One Of these Charities!

6 Heaton Park Thursday 7th May 2009 11am - 4pm Details

7 So… If Your Interested Contact us: Tel: 0161 5682 548 Fax: 0 1 2 2 3 3 3 6 9 9 6

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