ERI CS REM, 11th IG meeting. Milan, 21 November 2008 Towards a single auction platform in the SW region Rafael Gómez-Elvira Deputy Director for European.

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Presentation on theme: "ERI CS REM, 11th IG meeting. Milan, 21 November 2008 Towards a single auction platform in the SW region Rafael Gómez-Elvira Deputy Director for European."— Presentation transcript:

1 ERI CS REM, 11th IG meeting. Milan, 21 November 2008 Towards a single auction platform in the SW region Rafael Gómez-Elvira Deputy Director for European Affairs (CNE)

2 2 ERI CS REM 11th IG meeting, 21 November 2008 Index 1. ERI SW REM action plan 2. Current status of explicit auctions 3. Joint proposal REE-RTE-REN A.Harmonisation requirements B.Proposed actions 4. High Level Group meeting with the EC

3 3 ERI CS REM 11th IG meeting, 21 November 2008 ERI SW REM action plan Deliverable III.2: Coordination and potential harmonization in the long and medium term explicit auction mechanisms For the “longer-term” improvements to be addressed by 1st January 2009, the following issues shall be subject to the correspondent feasibility studies (Deliverable III.2.b): Implementation of a “Use-it-or-sell-it” mechanism Feasibility study for a single auction platform in coordination with other regions.

4 4 ERI CS REM 11th IG meeting, 21 November 2008 ERI SW REM action plan  delayed - WHEN?

5 5 ERI CS REM 11th IG meeting, 21 November 2008 Current status of explicit auctions 1. Explicit auctions in the Fr-Sp border Annual / monthly / daily / intraday New version of the IFE rules in the context of ERI SW REM. REE esicaRTE aribaREE esica Target: day-ahead market coupling

6 6 ERI CS REM 11th IG meeting, 21 November 2008 Current status of explicit auctions 2. Explicit auctions in the Pt-Sp border Annual / quarterly / monthly IPE rules: Approved in Portugal and soon in Spain. Day-ahead and intraday capacities allocated implicitly. Market splitting since July 2007 (MIBEL).

7 7 ERI CS REM 11th IG meeting, 21 November 2008 Joint proposal REE-RTE-REN. Harmonisation requirements 1. Participation requirements Globally harmonised within SWE region 2. Products Horizons of the long-medium term products:  Annual and monthly. On the SP – PT border, quarterly products too. Form of the product:  On the SP – FR interconnection, the product may not include capacity for one or several periods, due to the lack of physical capacity. Conditions for refund in case of curtailment:  Refund at the market spread with a cap. Already harmonised with the new version of IFE rules. Conditions for refund of non nominated capacity:  Automatic resale at the day-ahead auction in both interconnections (with the new version of IFE rules). 3. Secondary market Already harmonised within SWE region

8 8 ERI CS REM 11th IG meeting, 21 November 2008 4. Calculation and sending of programming authorisations It is already coherent within SWE region. 5. Nominations Designation of Nomination Agents  The nomination agents are already coherent within SWE region. Nomination  The gate closure for long term PTR nomination is 07:45 on the FR – SP interconnection and 09:35 on the SP – PT interconnection.  The formats for the nominations are already coherent within SWE region. 6. Harmonisation of the access rules - The access rules within the region are quite convergent. - It is advisable to study the creation of a set of interconnection rules common to the whole SWE region. Each border would have its own specificities, described in the appendix of the common SWE Interconnection Rules. Joint proposal REE-RTE-REN. Harmonisation requirements

9 9 ERI CS REM 11th IG meeting, 21 November 2008 Joint proposal REE-RTE-REN Activities involved in the long term mechanism 1.Customer Relationship Management (registration, claim management, etc) 2.Platform for primary auctions (software, hardware, maintenance) 3.Platform for secondary market (software, hardware, maintenance) 4.Calculation & sending of Programming Authorizations 5.Invoicing to market participants & sharing of congestion revenues 6.Nominations Possible organization schemes : Centralized or De- centralized Provisionally in SP-FR interconnection, possibility of extending the use of the single auction platform to day- ahead and intraday timeframes -Until the implementation of market coupling.

10 10 ERI CS REM 11th IG meeting, 21 November 2008 Joint proposal REE-RTE-REN Centralized organizations - Create SWE auction office Simple once it is created / heavy organisation - Appoint an existing auction office - Joint auction office for CWE and SWE Sub-regional harmonisation / governance + time schedules - Joint auction office for CSE and SWE Sub-regional harmonisation + first steps being taken / governance De-centralised organisations : Repartition of activities from 1 to 5 between TSOs Much simpler-quicker / interpreted as less harmonised ?

11 11 ERI CS REM 11th IG meeting, 21 November 2008 Joint proposal REE-RTE-REN. Proposed actions First -Approval of the IPE Rules -Implementation of the explicit auctions on the Spanish-Portuguese border Then -Working in the creation of a set of SWE common Auctions Rules specificities of each border in appendix -Defining the organization of a common auction platform that permits a full harmonization of all the activities related to explicit auctions in SWE region The implementation of a common auction platform in the SWE region would be of great interest for market participants and TSOs… …but some preliminary requirements need to be met, in special the launching of IPE explicit auctions

12 12 ERI CS REM 11th IG meeting, 21 November 2008 High Level Group meeting with the EC From the 3rd High Level Group meeting on 30th September: Working towards a common auction platform in the region following the proposals made by TSOs, having regard to the other EU regulatory requirements: within the South-West region, integration should be embraced, bearing in mind the final objective of harmonised and unified auction platforms ( harmonised set of auction rules and single interface for market players ) across different regional initiatives. Work will continue on these issues with all relevant parties. 3 December – Next IG for the SW Elect. REM

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