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The Rubric Reality Cobb Keys Classroom Teacher Evaluation System.

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1 The Rubric Reality Cobb Keys Classroom Teacher Evaluation System

2 2 Name the Standard & Rating 1. This teacher consistently uses targeted formative assessments; as a result, she is able to focus her interventions. Consistently, the end product is student success. Often, assessments are blended seamlessly into the instructional process.

3 3 Name the Standard & Rating 2. This teacher uses an organizing framework for some of her teaching and learning activities. Her planned assessments don’t always lead to mastery of the Standard. Her lesson plans are primarily teacher-centered and whole group. Rarely plans higher-level activities.

4 4 Name the Standard & Rating 3. This teacher does not communicate learning expectations using the language of the standard nor do her strategies engage the students in learning. Low learning expectations are routine. Technology is not used, and differentiation is not observed.

5 5 Name the Standard & Rating 4. This teacher uses a variety of assessment techniques but adjusts instruction for the whole class; he struggles with addressing individual needs. He uses some diagnostic strategies, to identify prior knowledge during a lesson.

6 6 Name the Standard & Rating 5. This teacher does not adequately monitor or respond to inappropriate behavior in productive ways. She has no plans for students when they complete their work and does not teach self- governing behaviors. Instructional time is consistently lost.

7 7 Name the Standard & Rating 6. This teacher develops lesson plans using a consistent, coherent framework that provides for student learning. He designs opportunities for learning the content in ways that support students’ learning styles. He plans assessments that reflect mastery of the Standards.

8 8 Name the Standard & Rating 7. This teacher uses limited standards-based language and strategies. She uses rubrics; however, they may not relate to the standard. She uses some research based strategies with some impact and has high expectations for some students.

9 9 Name the Standard & Rating 8. This teacher has established rules posted visibly; however, they are not referenced when misconduct occurs. She communicates expectations but does not consistently monitor or intervene. She celebrates the success of the class as a whole.

10 10 Name the Standard & Rating 9. This teacher’s lesson plans do not reflect an organizing framework; they appear to consist of isolated or disorganized activities. Her plans include references to assessments, but there is no clear connection to the standard. Her plans do not include strategies for differentiation.

11 11 Name the Standard & Rating 10. This teacher ensures that students understand the standard’s meaning. She explains content in multiple ways and provides appropriate support when teaching new skills. She also successfully implements a differentiated plan for identified students.

12 12 Name the Standard & Rating 11. This teacher doesn’t adjust instruction after seeing the results of her standards-based assessments. In addition, her feedback is often ineffective due to lack of connection to the standard and learning expectations.

13 13 Name the Standard & Rating 12. This teacher utilizes the entire class period effectively. She models respect and acceptance, using strategies that support culturally diverse learners. Students are taught to self-monitor for improvement. All seem to enjoy a sense of community; as a result, students are risk takers.

14 14 Assessment of Student Learning Standard Rating: Proficient #1

15 15 Curriculum and Planning Standard Rating: Emerging #2

16 16 Standards-Based Instruction Standard Rating: Not Evident #3

17 17 Assessment of Student Learning Standard Rating: Emerging #4

18 18 Instructional Environment Standard Rating: Not Evident #5

19 19 Curriculum and Planning Standard Rating: Proficient #6

20 20 Standards-based Instruction Standard Rating: Emerging #7

21 21 Instructional Environment Standard Rating: Emerging #8

22 22 Curriculum and Planning Standard Rating: Not Evident #9

23 23 Standards-Based Instruction Standard Rating: Proficient #10

24 24 Assessment of Student Learning Standard Rating: Not Evident #11

25 25 Instructional Environment Standard Rating: Proficient #12

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