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2 AGORA WCCE July 09 Raymond Morel Information about AGORA on the IFIP web site

3 AGORA WCCE July 09 Raymond Morel Information about AGORA on the TC-3 web site

4 AGORA WCCE July 09 Raymond Morel

5 Already at Pohang (Council 2005), when establishing the Task Force for the New IFIP Strategy, some basic ideas were present to: Promote transversal activities Leave the «silos syndrom» Open more on the outside work Get more visible and share the excellent work of each TC The IFIP AGORA initiative on Lifelong Learning was started not as a project, neither as a TC3 action but as an example of an approach suitable for other IFIP transversal activities IFIP AGORA InitiativeS

6 In Service Teacher Development Using ICT: the first step in lifelong learning José Armando Valente Multimeios and Nied - Unicamp & Cied - PucSP

7 Age 0 4 23 60..... Society’s ”head start” school work retirement role Life School LEARN LEARN active-seeker IS TAUGHT IS TAUGHT LEARN passive-receiver capable-professional active-seeker Hope to construct knowledge

8 Age 0 4 23 60..... Society’s ”head start” school work retirement role School Life Development of project Development of concepts Hope to learn about learning Project oriented education

9 Age 0 4 23 60..... Society’s ”head start” school work retirement role School Life LEARN CONCEPTS AND HOW TO LEARN active-seeker, constructing knowledge through the development of projects Lifelong learning approach

10 Competencies of the digital natives ? Speed and anticipation Filtering Taking risks (taking decisions) New status of error (« game over try again ») There were the same competencies for my tuk tuk driver in India …. Not specifically those for digital natives …it’s also those from irresponsible bodies…!!


12 AGORA WCCE July 09 Raymond Morel AGORA WCCE July 09 Raymond Morel WIKI-bowl- SEOUL or


14 1. Collaborative environment of type WEB 2.0 2. Modification of the organisation 0. Invariants to explicite 3. Competencies & Know-how 4. Gouvernance 5. Piloting the processes inside the organisation (cybernetics) 6. Communication 7. Actions for accompagnying the changes - Empowerment 8.......................... SEOUL 2.0 first draft of a generic model usefull for IFIP 2.0 RM->PC-Seoul AGORA/2.05.07

15 "Job" fonctionnalities Fonctionnalities of a learning organisation Tools with open access on Internet Innovation potentialities (contrains & advantages) 1. Collaborative environment of type WEB 2.0 Evolution of the existing structure to a network type structure The bottlenecks disappear Developping the participation of all actors 2. Modification of the organisation Specificities of the organism Objectives & Strategy Status & Observations Local conditions 0. Invariants to explicite Explicitation of implicite ways Know-hows transmission To promoote and facilite informal education/learning Attitudes "LifeLong Learning" Storage & putting at disposal the explicite information 3. Competencies & Know-how Transparency Aims of harmonny between the members of the organisation Flexibility Foresight 4. Gouvernance Criteria & Evaluation Regulation Projects 5. Piloting the processes inside the organisation (cybernetics) internal external 6. Communication 7. Actions for accompagnying the changes - Empowerment 8.......................... SEOUL 2.0 first draft of a generic model usefull for IFIP 2.0 RM->PC-Seoul AGORA/2.05.07





20 (R)Evolution et Tendances MEMO de synthèse N° 67 (octobre 2007) SEM-PE

21 IFIP Agora Initiative Raymond Morel (IFIP - SATW - SEM)

22 AGORA WCCE July 09 Raymond Morel


24 SOME observations : Ifip is able to collaborate with a great number and a diversity of bodies ==> activities (in their field) of TCs and WGs increasing external bodies cf reports ILC 26.12.08 After more than 2 years, it appears that the IFIP AGORA initiative on Lifelong Learning is quite successful, leading to several fruitful meetings and enabling transverse cooperation between Working Groups and Technical Committees in IFIP, and with other external partners and organizations. Having transverse activities, leading to co-operation between several TCs, is a good way for reinforcing the reflection and activities of IFIP, and for addressing the new questions of the Information society. IFIP AGORA InitiativeS

25 AGORA WCCE July 09 Raymond Morel According to the new IFIP strategy, we (after a deep reflexion during the last TC3 executive meeting in Poitiers, December 2008) suggest that the name IFIP AGORA Initiative is kept as a generic term for transverse IFIP reflections and actions. For instance, there could be new transverse activities such as: The IFIP AGORA Initiative on Security The IFIP AGORA Initiative on Digital Solidarity / Developing Countries The IFIP AGORA Initiative on Governance / Ethics / Code of Conduct The IFIP AGORA Initiative on Sustainable Education and Key Competencies in the Knowledge Society ==> KCKS’2010 in Brisbane at WCC’2010 The IFIP AGORA Initiative on e-Inclusion Initiative on Sustainable Development IFIP AGORA InitiativeS

26 Let’s walk a bit in the AGORA web site to understand the philosophy of this IFIP Initiative : 2006 Poitiers 2007 Seoul and Addis Ababa 2008 Krakow, Kuala Lumpur and Milano 2009 New-Delhi, Bento Gonçalves, Hanoi, Krakow ISSEP & IwE 2008 IFIP Agora Initiative aymond MOREL (IFIP - SATW - SEM) For some nice cartoons AGORA WCCE July 09 Raymond Morel

27 Information about AGORA on the TC-3 web site

28 AGORA WCCE July 09 Raymond Morel





33 EU project e-Start ==> Digital Literacy

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