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John O’Connell PhD MS Settlement Consultant Iowa Department of Education.

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Presentation on theme: "John O’Connell PhD MS Settlement Consultant Iowa Department of Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 John O’Connell PhD MS Settlement Consultant Iowa Department of Education

2 Agenda Overview of Cy Pres program Update on status of final budget figure Application update End of year evaluation Budget, signed Assurances and Evaluation letter Questions

3 CY Pres program Remember this is the next best use of funds that are left over from the settlement. This is not an entitlement program. Eligible schools may apply to be part of the program. This program is being run by Microsoft via Rust Consulting - Product Eligibility and reimbursement claims. The Department has no standing in this case. The Department was charged with developing a process for eligible school building to apply for access to these funds and coordinating the evaluation of activities supported by these funds.

4 Update on Budget and Product Eligibility list Final budget figures should be know by November 17, 2009. Once this is know you will receive notification of the per pupil allocation. For planning purposes only we are using $168/high school student and $126/middle school and elementary student. Remember this is a voucher program. If you purchase an ineligible or non-listed product or service and your claim is denied your district is stuck with the expenditure. The DE has no power to appeal a denied claim. Product eligibility list is available at url

5 Update on Application All districts applied for eligible buildings during April 15 – May 15, 2009 Final Application will be on the following web site If you applied for a 360 day extension you until May 11, 2010 to submit an application. APPROVAL OF THE APPLICATION DOES NOT MEAN THAT ALL YOUR LISTED PRODUCTS OR PURCHASES ARE ELIGIBLE. IT MEANS THAT YOU APPLICATION WAS ACCEPTABLE TO THE DE.

6 Application - Basic guiding principles Must be linked to implementation of the Iowa Core Curriculum in one area. Should be linked to one focus area e.g. mathematics (exceptions builds receiving more than $50,000 (Total GPV.SPV) may choose additional areas in increments of $50,000 e.g. a building receiving $75,000 may do two areas, buildings receiving $200,000 could do up to four areas. Three basic questions with a limit of 2000 characters including spaces

7 Additional documents Budget filled out on-line and signed Assurances and data release letter for each building submitting an application must be mailed after on-line application has been submitted Budget lasts until August 15, 2013. You need to establish a four year budget – Recommend you examine other sources of funding as you develop your overall budget to support program. 50/50 split between general purpose vouchers and software purpose vouchers

8 Additional Documents continued High Schools funded at 1.2 MS/elementary funded at.9 based on amount of money available to program. E.g. if (THIS IS FOR DEMOSTRAION PUPOSES ONLY) there was approximately $45 million. This would mean approximately $140 per student with the multipliers this would

9 Questions?

10 Curriculum Evaluation using Growth Curves Gary D. Phye, PhD External Evaluator Psychology in Education Research Lab Iowa State University

11 Curriculum Evaluation using Growth Curves Today’s discussion is a continuation of previous discussions from the last series of ICN meetings where we laid out the Three Tier Evaluation Model. This model is posted on the Microsoft Initiative web site. Today, the focus is on the type of data needed for Curriculum Evaluation. We will be looking at the strengths and weaknesses of commonly used instruments that can be employed. First we need to remind ourselves of a few critical points established in our previous discussion. K-2 curriculum evaluation efforts are extremely difficult to carry out using a growth curve model. Elementary (3-5) and Middle school (6-8) curriculums are grade based. High school (9-12) curriculums are course based. This means that we really have to divide our discussion today into two parts; 1) elementary, middle school (3-8), and 2) high school (9-12).

12 Grades 3-8: Common Instruments Data Collection Requirements for NWEA Mapping Academic Progress (MAP). Fall assessment (September) and Spring assessment (May) for each grade every year. Data collection starting in the Fall of 2010. Fall 2010 – Spring 2011 Fall 2011 - Spring 2012 Fall 2012 – Spring 2013 Fall 2013 – Spring 2014

13 Grades 3-8: Common Instruments Data Collection Requirements for ITBS. Spring Testing Schools. Start Spring 2010 for each grade every year. Spring 2010 Spring 2011 Spring 2012 Spring 2013 Spring 2014 Fall Testing Schools. Start Fall 2010 for each grade every year. Fall 2010 Fall 2011 Fall 2012 Fall 2013 Fall 2014

14 Grades 3-8: Common Instruments Note this means that: The Spring testing schools have good 4 th through 8 th data but sacrifice grade 3. The Fall testing schools have good 3 rd grade data but sacrifice 8 grade data to some extent because we will have to use 9 th grade ITBS data for the 8 th graders posttest score. Therefore, Fall testing schools should also consider testing at the 9 th grade starting in Fall 2011 in order to capture 8 th grade growth.

15 Grades 9 - 12 (Think Iowa HS Core Curriculum defined in terms of specific courses) This is a new ballgame for most people. For growth curve analyses, I see no alternative but to use a course specific instrument. I just don’t see how the ITED is well suited for developing growth curves for specific cohorts of students as the go through a curriculum that is not grade specific. This leaves me with two suggestions. The Iowa End of Course Assessments. NWEA MAP

16 Grades 9 - 12 (Think Iowa HS Core Curriculum defined in terms of specific courses) From a data collection perspective, with either instrument we would be developing growth curves for specific courses. This would translate into identified core courses being evaluated every Fall (September) and every Spring (May) every year starting in the Fall of 2010. Fall 2010 – Spring 2011 Fall 2011 – Spring 2012 Fall 2012 – Spring 2013 Fall 2013 – Spring 2014

17 Conclusion There is no perfect answer !

18 Contact Information Iowa Department of Education look under A-Z program index Look for M and Microsoft Settlement. Contact John O’Connell Email or Phone 515-249-0334

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