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Why do people live in tectonic areas 1.Why do people live near volcanoes? 2.What can be done to reduce the damage from a volcanic eruption?

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Presentation on theme: "Why do people live in tectonic areas 1.Why do people live near volcanoes? 2.What can be done to reduce the damage from a volcanic eruption?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why do people live in tectonic areas 1.Why do people live near volcanoes? 2.What can be done to reduce the damage from a volcanic eruption?




5 What is this device? How does it help manage the impact of an earthquake

6 Koso - The California Valve These valves are earthquake- sensitive gas shut-off valves. They are intended to close in the event of an earthquake to prevent gas flow into a structure where earthquake damage may have occurred. This will greatly reduce potential risk of explosion or fire due to loss of gas line integrity or uncontrolled flow of gas after a major earthquake.

7 What is this product? How does it help manage the impact of an earthquake

8 How else do they prepare the population? plate- tectonics/igcse_earthquakes_manage.htm

9 An Earthquake Proof Building The Transamerica Pyramid in San Francisco, built to withstand earthquakes, swayed more than 1 foot but was not damaged in the 1989 Loma Prieta, California, earthquake. It is also built on very solid ground that is less likely to fracture during an earthquake.

10 California has an attractive environment

11 Explain how the effects of an earthquake can be managed (4) For an area prone top earthquakes that you have studied explain why people choose to live there (6)

12 This lava is weathered (broken down) to form a fertile soil, Tourists are attracted to areas of volcanic activity. Geothermal energy (heat from the earth) can be produced in many volcanic areas. Can you think of any other reasons? Why do people live in volcanic areas?

13 Prediction of Volcanoes

14 After the eruption….

15 Examples of questions Outline why people continue to live on volcanic islands (4) For and area you have studied that is prone to volcanoes explain why people continue to live there (6)

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