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Workshop on Public Expenditure Management Bhutan Group Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop on Public Expenditure Management Bhutan Group Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop on Public Expenditure Management Bhutan Group Presentation

2 Current Scenario / Context Weak linkage between Plan and Annual Budget Input/need based budgeting Short term focus Soft budget constraints Weak prioritization process Heavy capital investments & implications Increasing budget deficit

3 Desired Results Improved linkage between plan and budget Availability based budget Medium term budget Increased efficiency, effectiveness & transparency in resource allocation Stronger sectoral ownership of budget Improved resource predictability

4 NEXT STEPS Continue with the Present System Improve the current System MTEF as a strategic option

5 NEXT STEP - Improve Upon the Current System Review –budgeting techniques –Forecasting techniques

6 NEXT STEPS – MTEF as a Strategic Option, Key issues Sensitization on MTEF Study MTEF and other options Technical Competence – forecasting and analysis Coordination & information sharing Manpower Institutional & procedural arrangements Financial implications > > > Institutional/organizational/capacity assessment < < <

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