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Jeopardy British Legislation People Which Came First? Second

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1 Jeopardy British Legislation People Which Came First? Second Continental Congress Trivia 500 500 500 500 500 400 400 400 400 400 300 300 300 300 300 200 200 200 200 200 100 100 100 100 100

2 What were the Townshend Acts?
BL 100 These acts closed the port of Boston and increased the power of the royal governor. What were the Townshend Acts?

3 BL 200 Boycotts against British goods, and tax agents were intimidated.
What is the Stamp Act?

4 What was the Declaratory Act?
BL 300 This was a defense of Parliament’s sovereignty over the colonies. What was the Declaratory Act?

5 BL 400 This was the first act used to collect revenues from the colonies.
What is the Stamp Act?

6 BL 500 Gave the East India Company a monopoly to help with its financial problems.
What is the Tea Act?

7 P 100 He helped negotiate France’s help in the Revolution.
Who was Ben Franklin?

8 P 200 A true revolutionary, who led the Boston Tea Party.
Who was Samuel Adams?

9 P 300 Wrote Common Sense Who was Thomas Paine?

10 P 400 He introduced the Virginia Resolves as a reaction to the Stamp Act.
Who was Patrick Henry?

11 P 500 Major British political party of liberal principles.
What are Whigs?

12 WCF 100 Presently ¼ of the children who regularly perform farm work never graduate from high school.
What is false? ½ of children

13 WCF 200 Boston Tea Party Townshend Acts Boston Massacre Stamp Act
What is the Stamp Act?

14 WCF 300 Yorktown Saratoga Lexington Valley Forge
What is Lexington?

15 What is the Proclamation of 1763?
WCF 400 Treaty of Paris First Continental Congress Proclamation of 1763 Quebec Act What is the Proclamation of 1763?

16 What is the French and Indian War?
WCF 500 Pontiac’s Rebellion Boston Massacre Declaratory Act French and Indian War What is the French and Indian War?

17 2 CC 100 The main purpose of the Congress.
What is to prepare for war?

18 2CC 200 English philosopher most often cited by American rebels.
Who was John Locke?

19 2 CC 300 Blamed him for much of the impasse between the colonies and Great Britain.
Who was George III?

20 2 CC 400 George Washington’s was given this job.
What was leader of the Continental Army?

21 2 CC 500 At first the Congress sent this conciliatory not to the king.
What is the Olive Branch Petition?

22 What is the Prohibitory Act?
T 100 Passed in 1775 this declared war on American international commerce. What is the Prohibitory Act?

23 T 200 The British felt their last chance for victory lay here in 1779.
What is the American south?

24 T 300 The Delaware Prophet. Who was Neolin?

25 What is the Townshend Acts?
T 400 The Circular Letter was Massachusetts reaction to the passage of these. What is the Townshend Acts?

26 What is parliamentary sovereignty?
T 500 The central element in the Anglo-American debate over governance was known as this. What is parliamentary sovereignty?

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