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Our future kittens thank you!. Please join the fight & help us SOCK IT TO FIP.

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Presentation on theme: "Our future kittens thank you!. Please join the fight & help us SOCK IT TO FIP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our future kittens thank you!

2 Please join the fight & help us SOCK IT TO FIP

3 Who is SOCK? Save Our Cats & Kittens (SOCK) is a group of cat - lovers who are - Breeders - Rescuers - Shelters - Veterinarians working together to raise funds for FIP Research @ Davis’ Center for Companion Animal Health

4 What can you do to help? Spread the word with all your cat - loving friends about our website Send a donation to: SAVE OUR CATS & KITTENS (SOCK) @ UC Regents - School of Veterinary Medicine

5 How can you learn more about FIP? How can you learn more about FIP? Visit our website www.

6 How do genetics play a role in FIP? FIP is not a breed specific disease, but does follow certain bloodlines within breeds. Heritability accounts for about 50% of the incidence. Environmental factors influence the other half.

7 What are the signs of FIP? Signs of FIP arise weeks, months and in cases years after initial infection, they are: - loss of appetite - depression - rough coat - weight loss - antibiotic resistant fever

8 What is FIP? FIP is caused by a feline coronavirus. It is the major cause of abdominal fluid, intraocular and neurologic inflammatory disease in cats under 3 - 5 yrs. of age. FIP is the cause of death in one in 100 to 200 random cats seen at veterinary teaching hospitals.

9 Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) FIP is virtually 100% fatal, and there is no prevention. The emotional toll of FIP is especially great because it strikes suddenly – weeks, months and even years after initial infection. Therefore, cat - lovers usually experience this disease long after they have developed strong emotional bonds with their pet.

10 Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) The worst 3 letters a cat – lover could ever hear.

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