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My social and academic strengths and weaknesses. By Hanna.

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Presentation on theme: "My social and academic strengths and weaknesses. By Hanna."— Presentation transcript:

1 My social and academic strengths and weaknesses. By Hanna

2 My social STRENGTHS! Has my friends back Trustworthy Performing in front of a crowd Trusting my friends Expressing my personality

3 My social weaknesses… Talking it over after a fight Short tempered finding the reasonable side of a bad situation

4 This is my plan to improve my weaknesses… I think I should not be shy to talk about a fight with my friend and be afraid to be wrong. I also think I should be more reasonable about the situation we were fighting about.

5 My academic strengths! Writing Art Saxophone Spelling Vocal music

6 My academic weaknesses Technical difficulties Spanish Asking questions about concepts I don’t understand Getting distracted Mental math


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