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Doc.: IEEE 802.19-10/0093r1 Submission July 2010 Tuncer Baykas, NICTSlide 1 802.19 TG 1 July Meeting Agenda Notice: This document has been prepared to.

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Presentation on theme: "Doc.: IEEE 802.19-10/0093r1 Submission July 2010 Tuncer Baykas, NICTSlide 1 802.19 TG 1 July Meeting Agenda Notice: This document has been prepared to."— Presentation transcript:

1 doc.: IEEE 802.19-10/0093r1 Submission July 2010 Tuncer Baykas, NICTSlide 1 802.19 TG 1 July Meeting Agenda Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE 802.19. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Date: 07-2010 Author:

2 doc.: IEEE 802.19-10/0093r1 Submission July 2010 Tuncer Baykas, NICTSlide 2

3 doc.: IEEE 802.19-10/0093r1 Submission Agenda of the Week July 2010 Tuncer Baykas, NICTSlide 3 TASK GROUP 1 - MONDAY PM1 Review and Approve TG Agenda Baykas 101:30 PM 802.19 TG1 Opening Report and IEEE IPR STATEMENT 10/91r0Baykas101:40 PM Review and Approve TG May Minutes 10/84r0Baykas101:50 PM Preparation for Tutorial -892:00 PM RecessBaykas13:29 PM TASK GROUP 1 - MONDAY PM2 Preparation for Tutorial604:00 PM Preparation for Joint Meetings595:00 PM RecessBaykas15:59 PM TASK GROUP 1 - TUESDAY AM2 Geolocation for Cognitive Access (UK- Europe) A. Gowans11910:30 AM Recess -Baykas112:29 AM

4 doc.: IEEE 802.19-10/0093r1 Submission Agenda of the Week July 2010 Tuncer Baykas, NICTSlide 4 TASK GROUP 1 - TUESDAY PM1 Technical Contributions -11916:00 AM Recess -Baykas117:59 AM TASK GROUP 1 - WEDNESDAY AM1 GERDCS Part 2 I. Reede608:00 AM Concept of OperationA. Reznik30 Reference ModelA. Reznik29 Recess -Baykas19:59 AM TASK GROUP 1 - WEDNESDAY AM2 Technical Contributions -11910:30 AM Recess -Baykas112:29 AM

5 doc.: IEEE 802.19-10/0093r1 Submission Agenda of the Week July 2010 Tuncer Baykas, NICTSlide 5 TASK GROUP 1 - THURSDAY AM2 Channel Selection SupportA. Reznik3010:30 AM Security ProceduresA.Reznik30 Data representation 10/94r0C. Sun308:00 AM Recess -Baykas112:29 AM TASK GROUP 1 - THURSDAY PM1 Expectation for IEEE P802.19.1 system from a primary protection viewpoint R. Sawai1:30 AM Recess -Baykas13:29 AM TASK GROUP 1 - THURSDAY PM2 TG1 Closing Report Baykas11910:30 AM Adjourn -Baykas112:29 AM

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