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Launch List 1. Have DBQ packet and answers out from yesterday.

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Presentation on theme: "Launch List 1. Have DBQ packet and answers out from yesterday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Launch List 1. Have DBQ packet and answers out from yesterday

2 How to write a DBQ The Key to writing a solid DBQ is coming up with a good thesis. The thesis is the task restated as something you are going to prove.

3 Think of it as a Love Letter
Task: Discuss 3 reasons you love your special someone, and 2 reasons you will be together forever. = Thesis: There are many reasons I love you, and many reasons we will be together forever.

4 Body Paragraphs MAKE A T CHART based on the Task
Reasons I love you Reasons we will be together forever.

5 Where do you put your thesis?
THESIS STATEMENT = The last sentence of your introduction paragraph. *****What you are going to prove***** Thesis: There are many reasons I love you, and many reasons we will be together forever.

6 How do you prove it ? In your body paragraphs, using the documents.

7 How long does my essay have to be?
6 paragraphs 1  Introduction 2,3,4,5 4 body paragraphs (1 for each document you want to use) 6. Conclusion

8 Introduction 5 Ws + Hist. Con = solid intro.

9 Introduction You need to give the reader information on the topic to “set the scene” 5 W’s Who did it effect? What was happening during this time? Where did this take place? When did it happen? Why was it interesting? Use parts of your historical context

10 Introduction Use parts of your historical context

(Although you must use information from it)

12 Body Paragraphs Pick 4 documents that will prove your thesis
Make a T Chart

13 Body Paragraphs MAKE A T CHART based on the Task
New rights for Freedman Rights taken away

14 Body Paragraphs Use 4 documents 2 new rights
2 how rights were taken away Be sure to reference them “As shown in document # 1…

15 Outside Information Knowledge about the topic not in the documents
Put this in any body paragraph, or write a separate paragraph.

16 Conclusion Paragraph Rundown or summarize what you proved.

17 Total Paragraphs There is no maximum # of Paragraphs, only a minimum of 6

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