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Period Three reading Guessing Game Is he…? Guessing Game Is he…? drawing.

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2 Period Three

3 reading Guessing Game Is he…?

4 Guessing Game Is he…? drawing

5 He is reading. He is at the library Where is he reading? He is reading at the library.

6 He is swimming pool. at the /pu:l/, Is he swimming in the river? Where is he swimming? river West lake In the west lake?

7 Where is she playing with toys? She is playing with toys at home. Whats she doing? She is playing with toys. toys

8 mall /m:l/ Where are they shopping? They are shopping at the mall. What are they doing? They are shopping.

9 at school playing basketball Where are they playing basketball? They are playing basketball at school.

10 placesActivities 1.reading books 2.pool 3. 4. library playing basketball swimming mall shopping school Look at the pictures. Complete the chart,.

11 Where is he/she …? Where are they …? in the park in/on the street at the mall at the pool at home

12 nameplaceactivity Tinamall Mike Lisa eating lunch school playing basketball libraryreading books

13 1. Hello, is Tina there?,Tina ? No, she isnt. shes at the mall. Oh, is she shopping? No, shes eating lunch with a friend. 2. Hello, is Mike there?,Mike ? Sorry. Hes still at school. Oh,.um, is he doing homework? No, he isnt. Hes playing basketball. Listen and repeat.

14 3. Lisa? No, this is her sister, Julia. Oh. Is Lisa there? No, she isnt. um, shes at the library. Oh. Is she reading books? Yes, she is.

15 A: Hello, is …there? B: No, she/he isnt.She is … A: Is she/he ….?( ) B: Yes,she/he is. / No, she/he isnt. She/he is…

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