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Presentation on theme: "Remote Housing in the Northern Territory DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT, HOUSING AND SPORT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Remote Housing in the Northern Territory DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT, HOUSING AND SPORT

2 Why Are We Changing The Current System? Poor housing conditions in some remote communities. Overcrowding, poor amenity levels, inappropriate designs and a lack of essential services. Some Indigenous people living in dwellings that have no power, no running water and no sewerage systems.

3 Around 5000 more houses needed, or in the order of $2.4 billion. Population in remote communities likely to double in next 25 years. Large spread of small organisations receiving funding. Existing funding levels has created inequities. Lack of resources, compounded by systemic problems in delivery and management models. About Housing Need In The Territory…

4 An Alternative… “The implementation of one consistent housing management approach for social housing, which has had proven success in urban areas, would alleviate inequity issues and improve housing services in Indigenous communities, particularly those currently managed by organisations with a limited capacity to provide adequate services” Northern Territory Government Minister Elliot McAdam, June 2006

5 Addressing The Issues… October 2006 – NT Government Chief Minister announces a package of measures to improve housing outcomes for Indigenous Territorians. Part of 20 year plan to improve economic and social outcomes for Indigenous people and boost the regional economy. Key objectives of the decision  Deliver more housing at less cost  Manage housing better  Support more indigenous employment Centrepiece of this package is an additional $100 million investment in remote housing over 5 years.

6 Enablers For Reform… Australian Government emergency response. Changes to Federal funding. New program to focus funding on land tenure reform, mainstream public housing and private home ownership. NT’s $100 million over 5 years and the Australian Government’s strategic intervention construction program over 3 years. Significant new dollars coming into the Territory provided housing is delivered under a more efficient system.

7 And So… NT Government is committed to introducing a public housing model into remote communities. New model to be delivered by Territory Housing within existing housing management framework. Complements both NT and Australian Government push to improve and reform delivery of remote housing. Will provide housing choice that people have never had before in their communities.

8 We Also Know That… the Northern Territory can no longer sustain two housing systems. there is a need to significantly increase resources and capacity to meet the housing needs of Indigenous people. it is a reality that public housing in urban areas is seeing a consistent and significant increase in the proportion of Indigenous tenants. we need to build better capacity for people to transition across the housing system.

9 Why Territory Housing?.. the single biggest provider of accommodation in the NT. Currently 7000 properties including almost 900 remote Government Employee Houses (GEH). Uniquely positioned – housing management, as well as housing construction and delivery of repairs and maintenance. Moved away from focus on the asset – to focus on meeting housing needs of our clients. Core capability resides in our management, our people, our systems and our continuous improvement approach.

10 What Reform Aims To Achieve… Creation of pathways for remote tenants to be able to purchase their home. More houses which cost less to build. Better managed housing. Support for more indigenous employment. Major push on new construction, renovation and upgrading of existing dwellings. New construction programs will build in new approaches to employment for Indigenous people.

11 Some Details About The Reforms… Key elements of reform being worked through: 1.A new program for remote housing construction and renovation 2.A new housing management framework 3.Initiatives to support more Indigenous employment at every stage of the housing system 4.Transition process supported by robust communication and engagement process

12 A large scale effort in key target communities where need is acute. New housing, renovations, essential services, land servicing. Larger and longer term projects – driving down cost. A strategic approach to repairs and maintenance. Employment and training. A delivery model to sustain large scale effort. A New Program For Remote Housing Construction And Renovation

13 Affordable rent structures. Fair and equitable allocation policies that take account of local family structures. An agreed remote housing standard based on current Indigenous Housing Standard. Leases able to be established over properties. Access to an appeal mechanism. Ability to move to home ownership. Best practice management approach. Centrally supported – locally delivered. Key Principles For The Remote Housing Framework

14 The ‘Best Practice Housing Management Model’ THREE DISTINCT STREAMS: Tenancy Management Debt management ASB Condition Leases Quiet enjoyment Property Management Appropriate standards maintained Tenancy Support Client Service Support workers

15 There will be opportunities for long term employment in: Housing management A Housing category – on a priority basis Repairs and maintenance Housing construction Training, central support and a long term approach to ensure sustainability. Initiatives To Support More Indigenous Employment

16 NT Indigenous Housing Advisory Board a key partner to Territory Housing - testing and sounding ideas with them.  Talk to people on the ground  Make sure people know what’s going on – where things are at  Engage early – make opportunities for people to have input into the process and decision making Strong community consultation mechanisms to help guide the reform process. Indigenous representation in governance of Territory Housing. Engagement The Key…

17 Feedback… Visit the website at: Email:

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