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Presentation on theme: "EFFICIENT TRANSPORTATION SOLUTIONS IN MINNESOTA A JOINT PRESENTATION TO THE Transportation Funding Advisory Committee September 14, 2012."— Presentation transcript:


2 What do we mean by efficient transportation solutions? 2 High Return on Investment (HROI) projects Cost-Effective solutions

3 High Return on Investment (HROI) Projects Achieve most benefits at a much lower cost Use other funded projects (i.e. preservation, bridge replacement) to leverage resources Maximize use of existing right-of-way (ROW) Benefits include bottleneck relief, improved geometrics, address safety hazards, shortened implementation timelines and money can be spread to more projects

4 This HROI approach is centered around: 4 Performance and Outcomes Lower Cost, High Benefit Safety Technology Risk Based Analysis Approach Enhanced Quality of Life

5 T.H. 100 widening at Excelsior Boulevard I-694/T.H. 10/Snelling Ave Willmar Business 71 I-35W MnPASS Toward Zero Deaths High ROI Projects Examples

6 Highway 100 at Highway 7 Project Profile 6 Traditional solution: – full build/reconstruction –$118 million High ROI solution: – shoulder conversion –$7.1 million Benefits: –Improved mobility –Reduced congestion –10 years of benefits accrued –Positioned for performance based design

7 I-694 / Highway 10 Project Profile 7 Traditional solution: – full build/reconstruction –$105 million High ROI solution: –Performance based design –$42.5 million Benefits: –Reduced crashes –Improved mobility

8 Wilmar; Business 71 / CR 24 Project Profile 8 Traditional solution: – Grade separated interchange –$ 7.0 million High ROI solution: –Performance based design; reduced conflict intersection –$730,000 Benefits: –Reduced crashes –Reduced crash severity –Improved mobility

9 I-35W MnPASS Project Profile 9 Traditional solution: – Highway reconstruction and widening –$ 400 million High ROI solution: –Performance based design; Priced Dynamic Shoulder Lanes, ATM technology –$15 million Benefits: –2 miles of added interstate capacity –Transit, HOV and MnPASS user advantages –Time savings: 5 months vs. 3 years

10 Statewide Toward Zero Deaths Project Profile 10 Traditional solution: – Rural interchange: $15-25 million – 4 lane highway construction and widening: $ 4-8 million per mile High ROI solution: –Performance based design; Rumble Strips at $4000 per mile 3 cable guard rail at $150,000 per mile Benefits: –Reduced fatalities –100’s of miles of safer roads vs. one location at a time

11 Improving Mobility in the Twin Cities Metro Region A realistic, innovative, flexible, sustainable and problem-focused investment direction: Manage congestion, improve mobility Multimodal solutions Preserve, manage, optimize existing highway system

12 Improving Regional Mobility Future Congestion Management Improve highways to move the most people, not the most cars Use Active Traffic Management Construct high-benefit/lower-cost projects Expand system of managed (priced) lanes

13 Improving Regional Mobility Future Congestion Management Encourage alternatives to driving alone Promote land use that promotes efficient use of the transportation system Invest in transit

14 Active Traffic Management Advanced traffic management technologies coordination through a highly sophisticated Regional Transportation Management Center (RTMC) Increases in capacity, travel time reliability, speed, safety

15 Cost-Effective Transit Solutions Operational Improvements Capital Investments o Park-ride facilities o Transitway development o Arterial BRT

16 Transit Operational Improvements 33 miles of bus-only lanes on city streets 300 miles of bus-only shoulder lanes on freeways 44 miles of managed lanes on freeways 89 ramp meter bypasses Traffic signal priority Low-floor boarding Advanced fare technology (Go-To cards/programs) Real-time information signs GPS bus technology/ Advanced scheduling software These improvements help buses save time (time = money), fuel, and the environment

17 Energy Savings Increased use of: Higher capacity buses, where demand warrants Clean diesel buses (90% cleaner than old technology) Hybrid-electric buses (15% of the fleet by year end) Use of advanced navigational technology

18 Park-and-ride Facilities 29,200 parking spaces Benefits of regional park- and-rides: –Increases accessibility for suburban and rural transit users –Concentrates demand –Reduces length of collection portion of the route –Improves operating efficiency

19 Transitway Development Large capacity investments, appropriate in heavily traveled corridors More efficient operations in corridors with high ridership potential High Return on Investment (ROI) Promote more efficient transit-oriented development

20 Transitway Development Subject to rigorous and lengthy project development process to: Select cost-effective mode and alignment Implement nationally competitive projects Secure federal funding Clearly define the project through planning

21 Arterial BRT High-benefit/Lower-cost transit investments Appropriate in large transit demand arterial corridors Emphasis on fast, reliable, convenient service Low capital cost ($3-4 million/mile) 30% faster service than regular route local service

22 Cost-Effective Transit Solutions 22

23 Conclusions 23 HROI projects using performance based designs help to significantly leverage resources –Improve safety –Reduce costs In an increasingly competitive world, it is imperative that we design and operate in a manner that is –Sustainable –Affordable –Maintainable scale

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