First create and sign up for a blue host account Through the help of Blue Host create a WordPress website for the business After you created WordPress.

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Presentation on theme: "First create and sign up for a blue host account Through the help of Blue Host create a WordPress website for the business After you created WordPress."— Presentation transcript:

1 First create and sign up for a blue host account Through the help of Blue Host create a WordPress website for the business After you created WordPress website, you can add details information into it Add the required pages to provide information about your business on website

2 Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence provides complete and powerful answer to the small business Baldrige frame work helps organization to run efficiently and grow its business Baldrige frame work helps to answer the question that can be emerged in the business

3 The criteria includes 7 section of question related to the small business The first 6 functional section raise or create question six functional section help to improve these areas like management system, operation process, knowledge management, and marketing Helps to identify strength and opportunity to improve performance strategy can works as a weapon for the small business


5 The strategic section raise the question on organization goal and policy Helps to find the answer to solve raised questions: 1. What type of strategic plan do you have in your business ? 2. What type of short term and long term goal of your organization? 3. What kind of key objectives do you have to accomplish the goal? 4. Do you have any concrete plan to compete in competitive market?

6 This section raised the question about measurement and evaluation of the performance Some questions are: 1. What kind of toolkits do you use to measure the performance of the business? 2. How often do you conduct performance measurement process in your business? 3. What kind process do you adopt to evaluate the performance of your business? 4. Do collect and use primary or secondary source of data to measure the performance?

7 Baldrige provides to tools or methods to answer these raised question Baldrige toolkits work as powerful weapon to address the issues of the business It provides 10 steps of Knowledge Management roadmap It makes link between KM and business strategy to maximize performance It helps to manage knowledge to reduce negative impact on the business It deals with knowledge mapping, teaming, deployment, evaluation of KM in the business


9 1. Analyze existing infrastructure: In first step it analyze the existing infrastructure of the business and than identifies the concrete step that helps the business to leverage and create KM system up on existing infrastructural investment. 2. Align the KM and business strategy: As knowledge drives strategy and strategy drives KM so without a link between business strategy and KM even the world’s best KM system can’t produce the desire result or produce nothing.

10 3. Design the KM infrastructure: the 3 rd step works as collaborating with infrastructure and KM system. it helps to develop web or note, and Identifies elements of the interface layer: clients, server, gateways, and the platform.  Identify internal and external knowledge source feeds that must be integrated with IT components to find, create, assemble, and apply knowledge.  Create knowledge tags and attributes: domain, form, type, product/service, time, and location tags, and mechanisms for knowledge delivery

11 4. Audit existing knowledge assets and systems: the fourth step, you audit and analyze knowledge, but first you must understand why a knowledge audit is needed. The audit process helps to find the critical and weakest knowledge assets of the organization by evaluating existing knowledge. To measure process of knowledge Bohn's Stages of Knowledge Growth framework is used in auditing.

12 5. Designing the KM Team: in this step you design KM team and to design effective team that includes key stakeholders, IT management, website user, and expertise. Designed KM team that implements, builds, and deploys KM system of the company with accordance of company’s goal and managerial expectations.

13 6. Creating the KM System Blueprint: As KM team identifies and designs the KM team that provides blueprint to build and improve KM system. To create the KM system blueprint the team select and uses the available components in the company such as collaborative platform, content centers, knowledge aggregation and mining tool, user interface option,, and push delivery mechanism. KM System blue print increases performance and scalability of the business high.

14 7. Developing the KM System: after creating blueprint for KM system, business have to put these together in a working system. It helps to develop the interface layer to create the website portal platform for the business. It also develops the application, intelligence, transport, and authentic layer that controls, secures, and distribute data. These application layers and integration layer connect to the KM system to true and recent data of the company that helps the business to retrieve the information of customers.

15 8. Using the RDI Methodology: KM system always works for its user’s actual needs. Understand the scope of KM system deployment the business Use the RDI methodology to deploy the system, using cumulative results-driven business releases Converts small factors to process and avoid the traps in the RDI methodology

16 9. Reward Structures, Technology, and Change Management: understands the role of Chief Knowledge Officer and organizes their responsibilities in business operation and KM process. Enable process and triggers for knowledge management system success Manage and implement cultural and process changes to make your KM system as well as your KM strategy succeed.

17 10. Performance Evaluation measure ROI and the incrementally refine the KMS: This step evaluate the performance of the business and measures the return on investment of the company. Calculate returns-on-investment (ROI) for knowledge management investments and evaluate KM ROI using the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) method Use quality function deployment for creating strategic knowledge metrics and measure impact by using a set of lean metrics and knowledge metric

18 The Baldrige criteria performance framework and 10- step road map toolkits work as powerful weapon for the small business website. Use of these tools and idea helps to promote and grow the business and manage knowledge It is easy and simple to create the website like Mol and Associates for small businesses This website can be use in online advertising for the business

19 The website uses the chunk of information and stored it in the website Website give full information about business to its user Website helps to create communication between business and customers Through the available contents in the website company fulfills the customers needs By KM it helps to sustain the company in competitive market by achieving goal So KNOWLEDGE is an ASSETS for any business

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