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“Do Not Trifle” II Corinthians 6:1-10. Not Important Important Urgent Not Urgent.

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Presentation on theme: "“Do Not Trifle” II Corinthians 6:1-10. Not Important Important Urgent Not Urgent."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Do Not Trifle” II Corinthians 6:1-10

2 Not Important Important Urgent Not Urgent

3 Emergencies Planning DetailsInterruptions Not Important Important Urgent Not Urgent

4 EmergenciesPlanning Details Interruptions Not Important Important Urgent Not Urgent

5 EmergenciesPlanning Details Interruptions Not Important Important Urgent Not Urgent

6 Emergencies Planning DetailsInterruptions Not Important Important UrgentNot Urgent

7 Emergencies Planning, Study, Spiritual Reflection, Preparing, Visioning DetailsInterruptions Not Important Important UrgentNot Urgent

8 Emergencies Planning, Study, Spiritual Reflection, Preparing, Visioning Trifling Not Important Important UrgentNot Urgent

9 “Do Not Trifle” Spend time with God Spend time with God Spend time with family Spend time with family Be ready when ministry opportunities come along Be ready when ministry opportunities come along Have a sense of urgency in your ministry – about the important Have a sense of urgency in your ministry – about the important Don’t trifle with God Don’t trifle with God

10 “Do Not Trifle” II Corinthians 6:1-10

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