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Presentation on theme: "BODY MASS INDEX (B.M.I.)."— Presentation transcript:


2 Calculating B.M.I. Weight (kg) = B.M.I. (kg/m2) Height2 (m2)

3 Interpreting B.M.I. < 18 = Underweight 20-25 = Normal range
25-30 = Overweight 30-35 = Obese (Grade I) = Obese (Grade II)

4 B.M.I. Graph

5 Stature-for-age/Weight-for-age – BOYS – 2 to 20 years
Growth Charts - Percentiles Each child should follow a centile. The most common is the 50th centile. Weight above centile = overweight / obese Weight below centile = underweight

6 Length-for-age/Weight-for-age – BOYS – Birth to 36 months
Growth Charts - Percentiles Each child should follow a centile. The most common is the 50th centile. Weight above centile = overweight / obese Weight below centile = underweight

7 Growth Charts - Percentiles
Head circumference-for-age/Weight-for-length - BOYS – Birth to 36 months Growth Charts - Percentiles Each child should follow a centile. The most common is the 50th centile. Weight above centile = overweight / obese Weight below centile = underweight

8 Weight-for-stature – BOYS
Growth Charts - Percentiles Each child should follow a centile. The most common is the 50th centile. Weight above centile = overweight / obese Weight below centile = underweight

9 Length-for-age/Weight-for-age – GIRLS – Birth to 36 months
Growth Charts - Percentiles Each child should follow a centile. The most common is the 50th centile. Weight above centile = overweight / obese Weight below centile = underweight

10 Stature-for-age/Weight-for-age – GIRLS – 2 to 20 years
Growth Charts - Percentiles Each child should follow a centile. The most common is the 50th centile. Weight above centile = overweight / obese Weight below centile = underweight

11 Growth Charts - Percentiles
Head circumference-for-age/Weight-for-length – GIRLS – Birth to 36 months Growth Charts - Percentiles Each child should follow a centile. The most common is the 50th centile. Weight above centile = overweight / obese Weight below centile = underweight

12 Weight-for-stature – GIRLS
Growth Charts - Percentiles Each child should follow a centile. The most common is the 50th centile. Weight above centile = overweight / obese Weight below centile = underweight

13 Online B.M.I. Calculator Link to this website for a B.M.I. Calculator:
Click here

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