Rapporteur’s Report Professor John Coolahan Conference Theme “Better Assessment and Evaluation to Improve Teaching and Learning” How use assessment most.

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Presentation on theme: "Rapporteur’s Report Professor John Coolahan Conference Theme “Better Assessment and Evaluation to Improve Teaching and Learning” How use assessment most."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rapporteur’s Report Professor John Coolahan Conference Theme “Better Assessment and Evaluation to Improve Teaching and Learning” How use assessment most effectively to promote key competences (KCs)? How use evaluation most effectively to promote KCs? How can evaluation and assessment be combined to promote KCs?

2 Context European Commission, “Rethinking Education: Investing in Skills for Better Socio-Economic Outcomes” (Nov. 2012) Eurydice, “Developing Key Competences at School in Europe: Challenges and Opportunities for Policy” (Nov. 2012) OECD, “Review on Evaluation and Assessment Frameworks for Improving School Outcomes” (April 2013). “Better adapting European education and training systems to the needs of our economy and modern society is at the centre of education policy debate at both national and EU level” Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou (November 2012)

3 Progress Overview on Incorporation of K.Cs Specific Examples from Countries and in Workshops “But : Assessment ‘Emerging’ Impact of Assessment – Policy and Practice Broaden Scope of Summative

4 Develop Methods for Formative Power of Formative Assessment Emphasis on Performance-based assessment Learning outcomes; multiple methods; co-operative assessment; interpreting and communicating results

5 A Paradigm Change or a Shift in Balance? Crucial that Assessment is aligned and congruent with curriculum - Often Misaligned – Consequences. ● Need to move away from a “Test Culture” to a “Broad Assessment Culture” ● Danger of same assessment instruments for Instruction and Accountability purposes

6 Exploration of Paradigms – Performance-Based Accountability V Improvement-Oriented Assessment Capacity building in formative assessment is crucial High stakes performance assessments need standardisation

7 Potential of School Evaluation (S.E.) if aligned with Elements of the Change Strategy Balance Issues of Accountability and Improvement must be Resolved What S.E. should focus on Task is to build Teacher Capacity – change of culture, leadership, and nature of teaching profession S.E. – Two-way partnership

8 Assessment: Focus on Classroom Pedagogy Accountability has to be the Handmaiden of Learning Guidelines on Integrating Assessment with Pedagogy - Dialogic Teaching; Pupil Involvement; Scope for Peer Assessment; Impact of the hidden curriculum; Developing Teachers’ Summative Assessments; Moderation and Collaborative Professional Development.

9 Synergies for Better Learning-International Perspective OECD Major Study – 28 systems provided detailed data, 15 Country Reviews 10 Themes 4 Areas of Analysis: - Governance; Procedures; Capacity; Use of Results

10 10 Themes 1.Significance of having a national, coherent E. and A. Framework 2. Alignment of the Framework with ed. goals and learning objectives 3. Support teachers as central agents in linking E. & A. to classroom. 4. Care that Accountability Function does not hinder Improvement 5. Place Student at Centre of E. & A. framework – active engagement.

11 6. Avoid harmful effects of accountability and dominance of Quantitative over Qualitative 7. Build Capacity for E. & A. 8. E. & A. Procedures to be Fit for Purpose 9. Balancing National with Local Needs 10.Sophisticated Planning for implementation of E. & A.

12 Policy Options for Student Assessment; Teacher Appraisal; School Leaders’ Appraisal; School Evaluation; System Evaluation Governance Procedures Capacity Reporting and Use of Results  Rich range of Perspectives, Guidelines A Complex agenda for E. & A. Options for Policy.

13 Relating the OECD Model to Ireland Governance “The Structures exist whereby national policy on A. & E. can be set, and responsibilities to the key players in this process area also clear”. Significant new policies on “Literacy and Numeracy Strategy” and on Junior Cycle Reform, but will find OECD model helpful for A. & E. National Framework. Shift to learning outcomes, standardised testing but opposed to the accountability misuse of tests, league tables etc. Strong consultative tradition, but aware of pros and cons of policy by consensus.

14 Student Assessment Some radical changes under way, on lines of good international practice Parental Engagement Building Teacher Capacity, under-developed as yet Seeking Balance between Formative and Summative – using broader range of assessments methodologies  Greater Use of ICT in assessing competences Alert to the danger of unbalanced student assessment.

15 School Evaluation Inspection Reformed and geared to ‘improvement’ W.S.E., Notified, Unannounced Reportage to Parents / Public National Framework for S.S.E. – evolving Guidelines School Improvement has Priority over Accountability Need for Investment in data capture and usage System Evaluation – Range of Processes in place.

16 Teacher and School Leader Appraisal Graduation, Probation, Role of Teaching Council Provision for the chronically inefficient teacher No set procedures for regular ‘appraisal’ of school Principals or Teachers Strong commitment to CPD and the Reflective Practitioner Cultural issue – Irish perspective – “Use of term ‘teacher appraisal’ tends to suggest a hard-edged accountability measure rather than a process that will foster genuine improvement for the individual and the school” “Balance is All”.

17 Conference Outcomes Very Timely and Informative Distillation of International Data Progress Report on Incorporation of K.Cs/workshop reports Questioning of Assumptions Accountability – Improvement, Balance in Assessment Centrality of Teacher/Leadership Capacity Complexities of the Reform Agenda Insightful on Assessment Reform Guidelines towards Reform Strategy.

18 Policy Recommendations (1) Disseminate Policy Perspectives and Data Devise Coherent A. and E. National Frameworks Develop Good Exemplars of Summative Assessment Harvest the Potential of Formative Assessment Control the Impact of Assessment for Accountability Work needed on “High-Stakes” Performance Assessment Invest in Capacity Building for Assessment

19 Policy Recommendations (2) Focus School Evaluation on Teaching, Learning and Assessment Reform Integrate Assessment with Pedagogy Invest in E-Assessment Place Student at Centre of A. and E. Framework Involve Parents in the Assessment Reform Process Balance National with Local Needs Engage in Sophisticated Planning for Implementation of Change Strategy

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