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Relatiivipronominit Who, That, Which, whose, what, whom.

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Presentation on theme: "Relatiivipronominit Who, That, Which, whose, what, whom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Relatiivipronominit Who, That, Which, whose, what, whom

2 Who, Whose, Whom viittaavat ihmiseen tai eläimeen •The girl who lived here was beautiful •The dog who barks every night is awful. •Those people, whose daughter is Amy, are very nice.  Whom-pronominia käytetään objektina ja prepositioiden yhteydessä. •The girl whom I saw yesterday is called Amy. •The girl with whom I went to movies is called Amy.

3 Which Korrelaattina asia, esine, eläin tai kokonainen lause •The idea which you had was great. •Do you remember the house which stood on this hill? •I’d love to have a dog which doesn’t bark. •He jumped into the unknown water which was a stupid thing to do.

4 That voi viitata ihmiseen ja moneen muuhun asiaan •The girl that lived here was beautiful. •vertaa!! •The girl who lived here was beautiful. •Tell me something that I don’t know. •Is there any country that you haven’t been to?

5 Pilkun käyttö relatiivipronominin yhteydessä THAT  ei koskaan pilkkua tämän eteen •There’s the girl that I love. WHO ja WHICH  relatiivilause erotetaan pilkuilla, jos sen sisältämä tieto ei ole välttämätöntä •The red car, which belongs to my friend, is Corvette 72.

6 Relatiivipronomini voi jäädä pois •The car that John stole was a new Mercedes. •The car John stole was a new Mercedes. •Jos relatiivipronomini on subjekti, se ei voi jäädä pois: •The car that stands alone in the street is certainly stolen.

7 Ei elollinen omistaja •Talo, jonka katto on ruskea, on vanha. •The house, the roof of which is brown, is old.

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