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2006/2007 Class 5. Introduction SANTOS,Raimundo - Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação, Campinas, v. 1, n. 1, p. 22-38, jul./dez.

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Presentation on theme: "2006/2007 Class 5. Introduction SANTOS,Raimundo - Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação, Campinas, v. 1, n. 1, p. 22-38, jul./dez."— Presentation transcript:

1 2006/2007 Class 5

2 Introduction SANTOS,Raimundo - Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação, Campinas, v. 1, n. 1, p. 22-38, jul./dez. 2003 – ISSN: 1678-765X increases interest for scientific production quantitative indicators helps Scientifical and technological dynamics understanding; Political engeneering; Decision making on this area. Quantitative scientific production measured by number of articles published in scientifical journals

3 Scientific production has been increasing in the last years: Graph - Annual evolution of the portuguese scientific publications´ number on Science Citation Index (totals and with foreigns co-authorship). Source: ISI – Web of Knowledge Scientific production has been increasing in the last years: Graph - Annual evolution of the portuguese scientific publications´ number on Science Citation Index (totals and with foreigns co-authorship). Source: ISI – Web of Knowledge

4 COIMBRA JR., Carlos E. A. Scientific production in public health and the international literature bases. Cad. Saúde Pública. 1999, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 883-888. Indexed journals report investigation results look up for bibliographic information ISI web of Science ALLOW TO title author magazine´s impact factor Citation data ALLOWS ACCESS TO

5 EVALUATING JOURNALS Many factors are taken into account: QualitativeQuantitative journal's basic publishing standards editorial content authorships internacional diversity citation data Interrelated All factors determine strengths and weaknesses of the journal

6 J. M. CAMPANARIO, L. GONZÁLEZ: Journal self-citations -Scientometrics 69 (2006) IMPACT FACTOR bibliometric product more used Internacional scope and diffusing of academic journals fundamental indicator became widespread Its use

7 Aims Research Selection Develop an objective methodology for scientifical articles In order to make it: REPRODUCTIBLE -Authors position; -Number; -Citation´s Number; -Impact factor; -Journals. LISBON COIMBRA compare

8 Methods Two medical schools FMUCFMUL Reasons: the oldest universities and the ones which have simultaneously hospital and faculty. Data base: ISI web of knowledge gives access to the leader of database of quote (Web of Science); gathers the searched results promoting its analysis (Analyze tool); has available index records, virtual documents and electronic journals.

9 Flowchart

10 Inicial queries Lisbon* medical schoolLisboa* medical school Lisbon* school of medicineFaculty of medicine of Lisboa* Faculty medicine Lisboa* Faculdade de medicina de Lisboa* Medical school, Lisbon* Medical school, Lisboa* Faculty of medicine, Lisboa*School of medicine, Lisboa* * - Coimbra FINAL QUERY : Lisboa* or Lisbon* 2005

11 Exclusion criterias : - Articles not published in faculties: - Articles with none contribution of faculty members; Inclusion criterias : - Articles with contribution of faculty members; - Articles from: LisbonCoimbra Santa Marias Hospital Univ Coimbra Ctr Neurosci & Cell Biol Coimbra Lisbon fac. Med.Dermatol Clin Coimbra, Portugal Hosp Univ Coimbra Univ Coimbra, Fac Med Univ Hosp Coimbra Fac Med, Coimbra

12 - Journal Citation´s number specific for the article; Publication review or journal; Page; Volume; Impact factor. Information from the articles: - Author author; Other authors; institution´s 1st author; Authors position; 1st authors filiation 1 and 2; institution´s 1st author : filiation; Authors total number.

13 Data Base creation Statistical Analysis Lables Graphs SPSS -Statistical calculations; - Results interpretation and presentation Data base creation

14 Results Graph 1 – 1st Authors Institution Filiation Coimbra

15 Graph 2 – 1st Authors first filiation

16 Graph 3 – 1st Authors second filiation

17 Table 1 - Impact factor Table 2 – Impact factor

18 Graph 4 – Journal impact factor

19 Table 3 – Article citation´s number Table 4 – Article citation´s number

20 Graph 5 – Article citation´s number

21 Table 5 – Relative position of Institution Author

22 References SANTOS,Raimundo - Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação, Campinas, v. 1, n. 1, p. 22-38, jul./dez. 2003 – ISSN: 1678-765X COIMBRA JR., Carlos E. A. Scientific production in public health and the international literature bases. Cad. Saúde Pública. 1999, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 883-888. J. M. CAMPANARIO, L. GONZÁLEZ: Journal self-citations -Scientometrics 69 (2006)

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