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Implementation of an ePortfolio Early Adopter Phase: Processes and Outcomes Christine Slade & Keith Murfin Centre for the Support and Advancement of Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementation of an ePortfolio Early Adopter Phase: Processes and Outcomes Christine Slade & Keith Murfin Centre for the Support and Advancement of Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementation of an ePortfolio Early Adopter Phase: Processes and Outcomes Christine Slade & Keith Murfin Centre for the Support and Advancement of Learning and Teaching (C~SALT) University of the Sunshine Coast (USC)

2 The USC ePortfolio Journey

3 Value of ePortfolios for professional degree programs Staff value –Continuing professional development –Accreditation –Employment opportunities –Evidence of student competencies & GAs Software analysis and trial C~SALT recommendation to adopt PebblePad Accepted by institutional decision-makers Feasibility Study

4 Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (140 first year students) Slow start approach Master of Midwifery (15 students) 20 follow through cases Early Adopters Phase

5 The Supported Approach C~SALT

6 Staged ePortfolio implementation to increases the likelihood of successful outcomes Showcasing eP use generated further interest Undergraduate and postgraduate level Collaboration between faculty and C-SALT to provide support for staff and students Preparation for wider implementation in 2014 Development of research project Benefits of Early Adopters

7 Participant excitement Staff training –Management team –L&T staff –Academics including sessional staff Capacity to respond to undergrad and postgrad needs Manage range of stakeholder expectations Challenges

8 Allow longer preparation time for embedding Take a program level approach Dont assume younger students have digital literacy Maintain consistent relationship with teaching staff during early implementation Always look for ways to crosslink learnings and resources Develop a community of practice for peer support Lessons Learnt

9 Staged Implementation Semester OneSemester Two Two cohorts Master of Midwifery First & Second Year Bachelor of Occupational Therapy First Year Bachelor of Primary Education Third & Fourth Year Bachelor of Primary Education Bachelor of Secondary Education Bachelor of Early Childhood Education First Year Double Degree Nursing/Midwifery

10 Program level – embed ePortfolios across the whole program guided by EOI Program level ePortfolio Liaison Officer Support for academics guided by Service Agreement Cross-disciplinary Research What now?

11 Slade, C & Readman, K 2013, New Pedagogical e-spaces: Keeping pace with staff readiness. HERDSA presentation, Auckland NZ, Available: Slade, C, Murfin, K & Readman, K 2013, Evaluating Processes and Platforms for Potential ePortfolio Use: The Role of the Middle Agent, International Journal of ePortfolios, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 177-188. Available: Three case studies accepted for publication - PebbleBash Conference April 2014 - Implementation of an ePortfolio Early Adopter Phase: Processes and Outcomes (Slade, C & Murfin, K) - Introducing ePortfolios into the Bachelor of Occupational Therapy Program (Slade, C, Murfin, K & Hamilton, A) - Master of Midwifery: A postgraduate programs first use of ePortfolios (Slade, C, Murfin, K, Gray, M & George, K) Research Collaboration Publications so far…

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