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LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive Full Student Orientation 2011-04-11.

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Presentation on theme: "LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive Full Student Orientation 2011-04-11."— Presentation transcript:

1 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive Full Student Orientation 2011-04-11

2 2 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive Outlook Live (SkyMail E-mail) Windows Live SkyDrive (Online Storage) Office Web Apps (Online Document Editing)

3 3 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive Outlook Live (SkyMail E-mail) Windows Live SkyDrive (Online Storage) Office Web Apps (Online Document Editing)

4 4 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive Outlook Live (SkyMail E-mail) Windows Live SkyDrive (Online Storage) Office Web Apps (Online Document Editing)

5 5 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive Purpose of SkyMail & SkyDrive School Use Only Not for general e-mail messaging (e.g., sharing YouTube videos) Common e-mail for approved Web services Examples: BuzzMath, class WordPress site Communicate with teachers for assignment clarification & updates. Not your primary mode of communication Dont necessarily expect a response at night after school is over Collaborate with other students when working on projects Transfer files to/from school Not your personal file storage repository (music, videos, etc.) Not for homework submission (DropBox on Portal next year)

6 6 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive Student Expectations LFCDS Honor Code Trust – Honesty – Respect - Responsibility Acceptable Use

7 7 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive SkyMail Mailbox - 10 GB (25 MB limit per e-mail) E-mail, Calendar, Contacts, Tasks Can only e-mail within LFCDS & from approved Web services Access Start Menu icon This year: Must use this address to access Login School: Automatic Home: School computer username & password Some browsers require LFCDS\UserName

8 8 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive Introducing Your Inbox Navigation Pane (Folders) Navigation Menu (Mail/Calendar/Contacts/Tasks) Search & Filter Message Pane Reading Pane Outlook Live Options

9 9 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive Send an E-mail To send an e-mail, click New. A compose e-mail message window will appear. Enter the e-mail address in the To and Cc fields In the Subject field, enter the subject of the message. Enter the text of the message in the body field below.

10 10 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive Send an E-mail with an Attachment To attach a file, click the paper clip button. Click Browse and browse to the file you want to attach, then click Open. Click Attach.

11 11 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive Send an E-mail with an Attachment (continued) The file will appear in the Attachments field of your e-mail. You can attach multiple files to an e-mail. Type a message. When your e-mail is complete, click Send.

12 12 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive Reply to or Forward an E-mail Click Inbox, then click the e-mail to reply to and it will appear in the Reading Pane. Click the Actions drop-down arrow list. Click Reply or Forward.

13 13 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive Reply to or Forward an E-mail (continued) Alternatively, click the Reply or Forward button. Enter the reply or forward message and click Send.

14 14 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive Delete an E-mail Click Inbox, then click the e-mail to delete. Click the delete button (X).

15 15 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive Create an E-mail Folder To create a new folder, right-click your Mailbox, Inbox, or a folder in which you want to create a new sub-folder. Click Create New Folder. A new folder icon and field will be created. Type a folder name into the blank field, and press Enter.

16 16 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive Move an E-mail Click Inbox, then click the message you want to move. Click the Move drop-down arrow list. Click Move or Copy to Folder Click the name of the new folder you just created.

17 17 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive Move an E-mail (continued) Click the folder to view the e-mail. Note: You can also move e-mails from one folder to another using drag-and-drop.

18 18 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive Create a Meeting Request Click Calendar in the Navigation Menu. Click Month to view the entire month, then click the date for the meeting. To change the month, click the arrows forward or back. Click the New drop-down arrow list. Click Meeting Request.

19 19 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive Create a Meeting Request (continued) Enter e-mail addresses in the To field or click To and browse for contacts from your address book. Enter a meeting name in the Subject field. Enter the meeting location in the Location field. Enter the Start Date/Time and End Date/Time. Enter a reminder for the meeting. For example if you set the reminder for 1 day, you will receive a reminder 1 day before the meeting. Click Send. The meeting will now be displayed in your Calendar.

20 20 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive Create a Group Click Contacts in the Navigation Menu. Click the New drop-down arrow list. Click Group.

21 21 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive Create a Group (continued) In the Group Name field, enter the name of your group. Click Members to browse your personal Contacts folder or the Global Address List. Note: The Global Address List is the School Address Book and contains the e-mail addresses of Upper School teachers and students.

22 22 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive Create a Group (continued) Click on a contact and then click Members. The Members of the Group will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. Repeat this step until you have all the new members for your Group. Click OK.

23 23 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive Create a Group (continued) To add the selected contacts to your group, click Add to Group. The members of the group will be displayed in the middle of the group dialog box. Click Save and Close. The group will appear in your Contacts. The group will have an icon beside it indicating it is a group.

24 24 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive SkyDrive and Office Web Apps SkyDrive Online File Storage 25 GB (individual files 50 MB max) Upload and download any type of file from any computer connected to the Internet using your Web browser Online Document Creation & Editing Can view and perform basic editing of: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, & OneNote Looks just like Microsoft Office desktop applications Sharing & Collaboration Can share folders with other students and teachers Can simultaneously edit Excel & OneNote documents online 2011-12: Simultaneously edit Word, PowerPoint, OneNote in Office

25 25 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive SkyDrive and Office Web Apps (continued) Access Start Menu icon This year: Must use this address to access Login School: Automatic Home: School computer username & password Some browsers require LFCDS\UserName

26 26 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive SkyDrive - 1 st Time Logging In

27 27 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive SkyDrive - 1 st Time Logging In (continued) Some students may need to ask us for permission You will want to click the Ask by Email button

28 28 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive SkyDrive - 1 st Time Logging In (continued) Enter

29 29 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive SkyDrive - 1 st Time Logging In (continued) Enter your First Name and Last Name Click the profile button at the top right Choose to edit your Details and click Add your name

30 30 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive Create Folders and Documents

31 31 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive Upload Files Click the Add files link

32 32 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive Upload Files (continued) You will then be able to upload multiple files Click Continue once all the files are uploaded Progress Meter

33 33 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive Hover over a file to reveal the file menu. Click More. Cannot open directly off SkyDrive until next year Download to your computer to edit in Microsoft Office Edit online with your browser

34 34 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive Office Web Apps Edit Mode Looks just like Microsoft Office Most basic features available

35 35 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive Co-authoring Documents

36 36 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive By default, My Documents and any new folders you create are private folders. They are shared with: Just me To share a folder, click the Share drop- down menu, then click Edit permissions. Note: Folder permissions are configured at the top folder. All files/subfolders are governed by the permission settings of the top folder. Thus, if a folder is shared, everything in that folder is also shared.

37 37 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive Leave the permissions slider at Me. Under Add additional people, type the e-mail address of the individuals you want to give access to the folder. As you add people, their names or e- mail addresses will appear below the name field. Use the dropdown menus to determine whether they have viewing rights or editing rights. When youre finished adding people, click Save.

38 38 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive When you change permissions for a folder, you may be prompted to send a notification to the new users. Type a personal message, then click Send. If you want to share a link to a public folder or resend a link to a specific person, click Share. Click Send a link.

39 39 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive Click Share. Click Get a link. Click Copy. Paste into an e-mail.

40 40 LFCDS SkyMail & SkyDrive Get Help Web: http://IT.LFCDS.org More detailed overview Training videos E-mail: 1 st entry in School Address Book Walk To: IT Service Center

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