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TRANSITION BASICS It Begins In Elementary School.

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Presentation on theme: "TRANSITION BASICS It Begins In Elementary School."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRANSITION BASICS It Begins In Elementary School

2 THE PARENT RESOURCE CENTER CONROE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT The Walter P.JETT Continuing Education Center 601 W. Lewis Street, Room 104 Conroe, Texas 77301 936 709-8210

3 PARENT LIAISONS Judie Hunter Barbara Grogan

4 What does Transition mean?

5 What does transition mean to parents? What happens when the bus stops coming? Where are my supports?

6 THE ANSWER IS: Be prepared Knowledge is power Do your homework starting now.

7 What does transition mean to educators? Transition is results-oriented All About Community Participation Post-secondary Education Employment Independent Living Social/Recreational/Leisure Agency Supports for Adult Services

8 Success requires intentional supports

9 ADVOCACY ROLE Students must have permission to dream and permission to fail to learn from their mistakes Students must learn to become self- advocates Parents role changes to be an active case manager

10 ADVOCACY ROLE As a team, parents/students must be consistent, persistent, and follow through Keep Transition Notebook Dont ever Give Up!

11 PURPOSE TODAY Help you connect the dots between school and community as your child transitions to adulthood Education/ARD Process Changes IDEA 2004 Agency maze Medicaid waiver programs Urgency of planning Raising your expectation level


13 TEXAS REGULATIONS FOR TRANSITION All youth with disabilities, beginning at age 16 or younger, when appropriate, receive individualized, coordinated transition services, with an outcome oriented process

14 WHATS NEW? Annual goals in general curriculum are no longer the focus Transition services must have appropriate, measurable post-secondary goals based on age appropriate transition assessment related to training, education, employment, and independent living skills Students must be invited to their ARD Appropriate agencies are invited to the ARD

15 TRANSITION PLANNING Begins with the End in Mind Regulations require interests and strengths be included in the IEP ARD committee must document transition planning by data collection

16 CORE AREAS ADDRESSED Employment Further Education/Training Daily Living Skills Leisure activities Community Participation Health Self-Determination Social Skills

17 ARD COMMITTEE REVIEWS DATA Develop a a coordinated set of activities to meet the interests and needs of the student Facilitate movement from school post school Improve academic-functional achievement Includes instruction, related services, community experiences, employment, and post school living objectives

18 WHAT IS A POST- SECONDARY GOAL? The answer is an outcome occurring after school Examples: I will attend a 4 year college I will enroll in a certificate program I will participate in on-the-job training

19 WHAT IS AGE-APPROPRIATE? Goals are broad for a younger student and become more specific as graduation approaches

20 LIFE AFTER HIGH SCHOOL Graduation is end of entitlement Protection of IDEA 2004 no longer applies No ARDS ……. No IEPS Identification of disability needs is no longer through FAPE and the assessment process Self-determination PREVAILS!

21 ADULT SERVICES - THE DIFFERENCE Office of Civil Rights (OCR) enforces Section 504 and American Disability Act (ADA). Services are dependent on Self- Advocacy Persons must disclose disability to receive accommodations Persons must know their rights and responsibilities Assume case management role

22 EDUCATIONS ROLE Prior to TRANSITION ARD Begin data collection with parent and student input Informal assessments identify competencies, preferences, and areas of need Agency invited and documented Letter of invitation sent to student to sign and return

23 IN THE NEAR FUTURE Districts will be required to submit follow up reports on students post graduation success Can these questions be answered YES or NO? 1. Were post-secondary goals achieved? 2. Were the goals measurable?


25 STATE AGENCIES Department of Human Services ( Offices for Medicaid, Food Stamps, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Childrens Health Insurance Program ) Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) Services for the Blind/Visually Impaired Services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Early Childhood Intervention Department of Aging and Disabilities Services (DADS) Department of State Health Services (DSHS) Department of Family & Protective Services

26 FEDERAL AGENCIES Social Security Administration

27 DADS – Funds through MHMR Services for Mental Retardation Service Coordination Vocational Assistance Residential Supports Specialized Therapies Day Habilitation Respite In-home/Family Support Behavioral Supports Community Supports Nursing

28 DSHS – Funds through MHMR Services for Mental Health Psychiatric Consults Medication Counseling Limited Residential Supports Hospitalization Vocational Assistance Service Coordination

29 DARS – Job Training and Supports Rehabilitation Vocational Assessment Psychological Assessment Continuing Education/Job Skills Job Acquirement Job Coaches Equipment Job Appearance Counseling Medication Resources

30 SOCIAL SECURITY All about WORK and permanent status of CAPABILITY to produce income. Eligibility and Age (18) Supplemental Security Income, Social Security Disability Insurance, Survivor Benefits Must have less than $2,000 in assets

31 MEDICAID WAIVER PROGRAMS (Parents income is not an inhibitor)

32 6 Basic Programs HCS – Home and Community Based Supports TxHmL – Texas Home Living Interest List through MHMR Centers MR or Autism (75 or below IQ) Eligibility MDCP – Medically Dependent Childrens Program CLASS – Community Living Assistance and Support Services CBA – Community Based Assistance DBMD – Deaf Blind/Multiple Disabilities

33 HCS – GOLDEN LIST Residential Assistance Foster/Companion Care Supported Home Living Supervised Living Residential Support Adaptive Aids Nursing

34 HCS SERVICES Dental Treatment Minor Home Modifications Counseling and Therapies Respite Day Habilitation Supported Employment

35 URGENCY OF PLANNING Interests lists for support services are years long (CLASS, HCS, MDCP) Day programs have waiting lists and are sparse Consider needs for transportation Be informed of pros and cons of guardianship at 18 years Develop and expand support circles

36 URGENCY OF PLANNING Visit colleges/certificate programs Attend conferences, workshops, transition/resource fairs Educate yourself on estate and financial planning – special needs trusts and wills Join appropriate support and advocacy organizations



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