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Sheffield Short Breaks and Respite Services Consultation Welcome from Cllr Jackie Drayton Elected Member for Children and Families Jayne Ludlam Executive.

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Presentation on theme: "Sheffield Short Breaks and Respite Services Consultation Welcome from Cllr Jackie Drayton Elected Member for Children and Families Jayne Ludlam Executive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sheffield Short Breaks and Respite Services Consultation Welcome from Cllr Jackie Drayton Elected Member for Children and Families Jayne Ludlam Executive Director for Children, Young People and Families Simon Morritt Chief Executive of Sheffield Childrens NHS FT

2 Today... Welcome and introductions Where are we now? Our Short Break and Respite Services Your chance to tell us what you think: Table discussions on each services area to consider: What works well? What could be better? How it might be done differently? Any ideas for the future? Looking ahead - What next?

3 Why are we here? We all know that SCC face financial challenges ahead We have the new The Children and Families Act 2014 We are seeing shifts in demands for services And also know services do not always meet parents and carers needs We need and want to ensure that the thoughts of parents and carers are heard in planning our future provision and taking theses issues forwards

4 Health Context Health does not have the scale of savings that Sheffield City Council face Wants to work in partnership across NHS and SCC We think there are opportunities to improve respite care for children with complex health needs –For example we have developed our community nursing team over the past 3 years to provide more care at home We are keen to hear from parents what they value in terms of health respite provision so we can consider if there are other changes we can make

5 2011/122012/132013/142014/15 Cash Limit Reductions178611 Grant Loss/Pressures211083 LA Context £84m reduction over 4 years

6 Total Budget £524m Financial Context (£m) 6 Schools Funding £408m Schools Traded Income £6.2

7 Short Breaks - Local Authority Duties Short Breaks and Respite To provide a range of services which is sufficient to assist carers to continue to provide care, or do so more efficiently, in particular a range of: Day care Overnight in the home or elsewhere Education or leisure breaks out of the home Services in the evenings, weekends and during school holidays Short Break Statement The range of services provided; criteria and eligibility; how services are designed to meet the needs of carers

8 Childcare - Current Local Authority Duties To secure sufficient childcare for working parents, or parents who are studying or training for employment, as far as is reasonably practical 0 -18 disabled children To fund Early Years provision 15 hours free of charge for some 2 year olds and all 3 and 4 year olds To assess the sufficiency of childcare provision every 3 years To provide information, advice and assistance to parents and prospective parents on the provision of childcare in their area Change in duty: local authorities need to understand the market and report on the sufficiency of childcare annually, the prescriptive nature of reporting has ceased

9 The Children and Families Act 2014 The Local Offer – in one place clear, comprehensive and accessible information, co-produced with parents and carers Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP) – single assessment process 0 – 25 year olds New duty: education, social care and health services in new assessment process and EHC plan Right to request a Personal Budget - the Regulations will provide further clarity


11 2012/13 LA Spend No of children Funding Universal Clubs – grants for staff267£100,000 Short Breaks Grant1,458£583,000 Specialist Contracted Clubs656£450,000 Direct Payments205£800,000 Foster Care Overnight / Day 33 £69,000 Overnight education (T/T only, 4 nights) 65£700,000 Overnight Social Care Residential87£2,500,000 Health Respite38800,000 Transport35£19,000 Total£6,121,000 This does not include the SCC staffing, ie SNIPS, Commissioning, Management, and capital expenditure

12 Trends in Requests for Social Care and Education Short Breaks/Respite

13 Additional Information Piloted and implementing behaviour management for parents and carers Inclusion Team - mentor and support short break providers, moving to work on a more localised basis No contribution or charging policy for standard offer Short Break Grant, up and above service provision Project to develop Personal Assistants Expansion in Community Nursing Improved outcomes based approach to Short Breaks

14 What do we know Direct Payments – processes and time Difficulty finding Personal Assistants Saturday/Holiday Specialist are at full capacity; are they easily reachable and do we have equity of access Occasional difficulties in identifying services to meet specific complex needs Shifts in demand for types of services Quality of assessment and review Different contribution policies across the country Increasing population Children and Families Act 2014 and Transition

15 What do families tell us …. Some Universal services less able to welcome disabled children Young people want to do non specialist activities, go and see a film, go to Scouts / cubs, etc. Some families would like to hold their own funding for Saturday / Holiday clubs and arrange own bookings That they want more flexibility in services That the pathway and infrastructure is not meeting your needs Childcare – is there enough and can it be easily accessed

16 Whats happening in other areas On the whole the types of services are very similar Social Care residential offer varies across the country Some areas are introducing flexible booking up to a maximum number of nights Not all cities have health residential respite Day care short breaks offer also varies across the country Some areas offer a voucher scheme to enable families to buy their own activities Contribution policies Few areas offer Short Breaks Grant

17 What next Stage One Seeking the Views – Consultation – On-line Survey for families who could not attend – Consultation with Children and Young People – Consultation / Liaison with Providers and staff groups – Work with parent representatives to ensure we have captured a wide range of parental views – Focus Group Discussions – Collation and capture of all information Stage Two Further Consultation and Feedback – With all parents and carers who receive short break and respite services on the outcome of stage one recommendations for change

18 Table Discussions Short Break Grants – Led by: Liz Roe Developing access to Universal Services – Led by Helen Cooper and / or MAST Saturday, school holiday and after school Short Breaks clubs – Led by Lorraine Hall Health Short Breaks/Respite Care Out of Home Overnight / Respite Care – Led by Sue Hatton and Liz Spaven Direct Payments / Personal Budgets / Personal Assistants – Led by Amanda Hill and Pete Mitchell Disabled Childrens Childcare for working parents or those in training – Led by Linda Wright / Jen Richardson / Yolande Tose Members of the Parent Carer Forum are here to support your participation in the table discussions

19 Thank you for giving your time to take part in this consultation

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