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Le français 2 Chapitre 7-2 The future courir-to run.

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1 le français 2 Chapitre 7-2 The future courir-to run

2 The future The future tense tells what will happen. For most verbs, use the infinitive as the stem and add the future endings. Drop the –e from verbs ending in –re before adding the endings. je parlerainous parlerons tu parlerasvous parlerez il/elle/on parlerails/elles parleront

3 The future je mangerainous mangerons tu mangerasvous mangerez il/elle/on mangerails/elles mangeront je finirainous finirons tu finirasvous finirez il/elle/on finirails/elles finiront je vendrainous vendrons tu vendrasvous vendrez il/elle/on vendrails/elles vendront

4 Irregular verbs in the future Many of the irregular verbs you have learned in the present tense are REGULAR in the future tense. boireje boirai connaîtreje connaîtrai direje dirai mettreje mettrai ouvrirjouvrirai suivreje suivrai

5 Irregular verbs in the future However, some irregular verbs do have irregular stems in the future, but the endings are the same! allerir-jirai avoiraur-tu auras devoirdevr-il devra êtreser-elle sera fairefer-on fera pouvoirpourr-nous pourrons venirviendr-vous viendrez voirverr-ils verront vouloirvoudr-elles voudront

6 Irregular verbs in the future Verbs with spelling changes in the present tense like appeler and acheter also have spelling changes in the future. jachètejachèterai jappellejappellerai je jetteje jetterai

7 irregular verb courir (to run) The past participle of courir is couru. Jai couru cinq kilomètres. (I ran 5k.) The future stem of courir is courr-. Je courrai cinq kilomètres. (I will run 5k.) je coursnous courons tu coursvous courez il/elle/on courtils/elles courent

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