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Working towards Assessment W1 This will be completed by… …end of January?

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Presentation on theme: "Working towards Assessment W1 This will be completed by… …end of January?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Working towards Assessment W1 This will be completed by… …end of January?

2 What about assessment T1? This is now pushed into do for homework! PLEASET1 assessment PLEASE keep trying to improve this T1 assessment as far as you can USE USE homework time: lunch times, after school sessions, from home…

3 W1 Section The assessment is you creating a PowerPoint explaining the terminology used in websites and the Internet WWW WWW is… Email Email is… IPTV IPTV is…

4 W1 Section Web server Web server is…? Mail server Mail server is…? router A router does what…? web browsers Name 3 web browsers… Email client What is Email client software? Give an example… VOIP What is VOIP?

5 W1 Section web hosting What is web hosting? domain A domain is… Web 2.0 Web 2.0 is… Blogs, wikis, social networking… ISP What is an ISP and what does it do?

6 W1 Section online application forms Know you can apply for jobs/loans etc using online application forms online applications Know there are online applications such as word processing, spreadsheets (e.g. Google docs) etc…

7 W1 Section TRIAL WEBSITE Know how to use/insert hotspots, animations, video clips, audio, blogs into your TRIAL WEBSITE – thats the site you created first! interactive features What are interactive features and why are they used/popular?

8 W1 Section What do businesses use websites for? INTERnetINTRAnet What is the difference between the INTERnet and an INTRAnet? What is each used for? (The VLE has the answers!)

9 W1 ASSESSMENT 4 TASK This is a 4 TASK assessment PowerPoint presentation It is ALL about you creating a PowerPoint presentation! You have read all of the content in the W1 part of the VLE You should know where to find the answers you need!

10 W1 ASSESSMENT Include: Screen shots what is interactivewhy Screen shots of some interactive websites will help. THEN say what is interactive on there AND why. Why Why are interactive websites used? Describe Describe interactive techniques. (You should have used some in WebPlus. More info on the VLE!)

11 WORKING TOWARDS W2 This will take you through to MAY or early JUNE to complete It is a BIG assessment! You MUST follow the VLE and learn the different skills and jobs to complete BEFORE you try to so this assessment

12 W2 – for those who need it! You MUST read and do all parts of this There are many links to look at You WILL have to prove you have done this! Without doing these steps, you WILL NOT PASS the next assessment…

13 W2 – for those who need it! 1 PLANNING AND DESIGNING a website – you MUST KNOW how to do this 2 USING WEB EDITOR software – you have been using WebPlus so WILL know some of this already! Make sure you do the TO DO part… 3 WEBPAGE LAYOUT – some obvious points to think about

14 W2 – for those who need it! 4 WHAT YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO DO – is a list of what you should be able to do with Serif Webplus. If you cant do any of these, find out now! 5 TEST YOUR WEBSITE – is a guide on how a website should be tested. You will need to know how to do this!

15 W2 – for those who need it! 6 USING HTML – will show you how to program a webpage rather than just using WebPlus. Follow it! Do it! 7 MORE ABOUT HTML – takes you a little further with programming. Do it and dont give up! 8 ALTERNATIVE WEB DEVELOPMENT SOFTWARE – WebPlus isn't the only software that can be used… what else is there?

16 W2 – for those who need it! THE ASSESSMENT… Please read the assessment with care Do each task in order REMEMBER you have already started making the website – your BLOG from assessment T1 was the start. Page 5 of the website will be your blog page… There is a lot to do – dont rush!

17 W2 – for those who need it! This is from the assessment: Page 5: F1 Fans page: links to Lotus F1 website, a current website that reports on this years F1 championship, a fan page where the fans and company can exchange comments and ideas This part is the BLOG you created in assessment T1

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